Celebration [2 Year Anniversary Story]

Maybe because i didn't plan to include a transformation of myself in it? although it does seem like it would be fitting...maybe i'll change my mind, add onto the story with my own little transformation.

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Karma Express Delivery

transformations kickaha caused only tended to stick if they met one of three conditions. 1.

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Ameowzing Day

He wondered even if he knew what caused the transformation if it was even worth trying to fix it.

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Cross-Class Training

#101 of transformation support on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverbuy my shirts!

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 16

The green dragon zord crawled on the ground and began to transform as its body twisted and turned until transformed from its dragon form to that of a white stallion with battle armor and a saddle on it.

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The Celadon Incident (Pokemon TF/TGs)

The transformation itself can be instant and or last up to a week. the transformed pokemon is still infected for a week after it becomes a full pokemon, even if the transformation into one lasted a week.

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Nearly Forgotten

I saw a transforming butterfly--not transforming from a caterpillar like butterflies normally do, but an instant magical transformation from being a boring brown leaf into this bright coloured thing. you believe me, right?"

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The Experiment - Chapter 2

Hate pain really...plus i wasn't expecting my spine to start repairing itself till the day you said the main transformation begins" "it isn't so much your spine as your spinal cord, but yeah, it is a little surprising, but then each transformation is different

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The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Contact and Assesment

The viruses would each be created to perform a specific transformation.

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Invention of the Week #4: Transformifier

It rolls off the tongue better than just "transformation ray" don't you think? i do and it's my invention (technically) so i get to name it. that's democracy.

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Unusual Workplace Hazards

I was particularly interested in transformation art, especially those that involved males becoming females. such was a dream of mine, to transform into a female beauty. preferably a dragoness if possible.

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Staying Human: Chapter Thirteen

Those that were wounded in the battle eventually transformed as well. not all of them became wolves, but they were all allowed to join the pack. they fit in now as if they had never been humans.

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