I sat at my work desk in my office. I was working from home for once. Which honestly surprised me because they need me at the building a lot. "Mom! Mom!" A child shouted my name, running over to me. My name is Emma Jewels. I'm a single fox mother. Or...
The Frozen Grove
A reindeer woman walked out of a building. "I can't believe we finally graduated from Ruxose!" Following behind was a harp seal man. "I know, right?" He chuckled, smiling. "We've practiced and learned about magic for four years straight. Now, we get...
(Bonus Content) Interdepartmental Memo
_Memo_ _To: Director of Administration_ _Fr: Chairman of The Board_ _Re: The Incident_ _Dear Director,_ _I am sure I need not tell you why we are troubling you with petty memos. As the subject line states, we wish to discuss the incident...
A.W.F.S Chapter 1- Never Alone In My Cave
"Everything..." I repeated to myself scooting my paws through the layers of snow. "Everything I knew is gone. Covered in white, No!" I fought back at myself. "They are out here somewhere. I just need to keep going." I kept trudging through trying to...
Baby Bunny Brother (Xix' Flash Backs) 1
Xix watched his brother drive away down the gravel road in the truck he gave the rabbit for his sixteenth birthday. He felt the tell-tale prickle in his nose; the prelude to embarrasing tears. His mom came out of the house and looked into her eldest...
FLASH Story 1: The Otter and The Hound (pt.1)
I've decided, while I've got writer's block, and can't work on my main story, I'll come up with things that randomly appear in my head, and have decided to call them FLASH stories, because I come up with them in a flash. Get it? No? Well then.... But...
Guardian IV Omake: Spec Ops Tigers
Guardian IV: Omake Spec Ops Tigers (To read this chapter, you must agree with the disclaimer and copyright posted in the first chapter.) (A sign of the times... an idea that's been bouncing around for years... and now, over a decade...
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapters One Hundred One and One Hundred Two
\*\*\*\*\* Chapter One Hundred One \*\*\*\*\* The First built three new urd'thin to replace those who died. He returned the rest of his scattered children back to the oasis, and left them suspended in time. Now that he realized he had to build their...
**Bottles** _Written by Arian Mabe / Amethyst Mare_ _First person monologue inspired by the attempted shooting of Dylan Thomas. Written as if it is part of a story in which every character gets a chapter in first person and the perspective changes,...
The Teacher
An Alegeharian Novel The Modern Era Chp. 4 The Teacher Despite things happening around him Lego couldn't help but travel down memory the lane, the closer he got to the throne room the more he thought of Valen and their travels. After Valen picked...
Desolation Peak
**Desolation Peak** _Written by Arian Mabe / Amethyst Mare_ Jack Kerouac was suspended in space. There was sound - sound everywhere! - but no life or glimmer of being to be glimpsed. All was dark, all was black and all was sound. The red fox...
Chapter V: Consequences and the World Above
The captain took a gulp and plugged the flash drive into qz's finger, it fit snug and tight into the robotic crocodile's port. his mechanical eye flashed between blue and red as it scanned the contents of the flash drive.