Welcome to Equestria chapter 6

rainbow dash spoke up. "well, it seems you two have met us all, right?" we both nodded, so our rainbow-themed friend continued. "and you've heard of the elements of harmony, right?" another nod from the both of us.

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My First Party - Chapter 3: Healing

I think she can finally heal, rainbow." dash stared almost unblinkingly at the ice.

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Death To Nightmare Chapter 5

She was more like rainbow dash and----rainbow dash. 'iiidddeaaa!'


All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 6 - Twenty Percent Cooler

But...i don't remember fluttershy and rainbow dash posin' fer a picture like this! maybe they're not tellin' me somethiiiiiing?" "w-wait who's fluttershy and rainbow dash?" "oh, they're my friends, see?!"

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The End Isn't Always The End

This was whispered by rainbow dash, who had tears streaming down her face like the rest of us. "i tried so hard, i really did....if only...." "it's not your fault, dashie." pinkie pie said quietly.

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Les Kidnappeurs d'equestria

Celui d'applebloom était brun avec des pomme rouge, et celui de scootaloo bleu avec le symboles de rainbow dash en gros au milieu. les 4 petites s'endormirent, et une ombre noir aux yeux de chat a la rétine verte.

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Les Kidnappeurs d'equestria

Celui d'applebloom était brun avec des pomme rouge, et celui de scootaloo bleu avec le symboles de rainbow dash en gros au milieu. les 4 petites s'endormirent, et une ombre noir aux yeux de chat a la rétine verte.

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Twilight Performs a Spell That Goes Just Fine

rainbow dash walked in, fluttershy's tail in her mouth, dragging the scared pegasus in with her. "alright... we're here. finally," she stated, angrily. "just in time, rainbow dash," there came a voice.

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Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 7

After a surprsingly girlish scream from rainbow dash followed discord cackling and she saw the sight of rainbow in pinkie's colors while pinkie was in rainbow's colors. "get back here and change us back!" rainbow demanded.


Welcome to Equestria chapter 7

Cried rainbow dash from behind the wagon. flying definitely had it's advantages, which i sadly did not have. i don't mind though, since it gives me more time to work on magic. though if i ever wanted to be a pegasus, it'd be now.

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Born For Loyalty Chapter 8

"you must be rainbow dash." "i prefer just dash. why, you heard of me?" dash asked excitedly. "i _heard_that you are supposed to clearing the sky." the mare took a deep breath.