A Life Yet Lived - Chapter 1 (Part 1)
A fire-type pokemon, obviously. well, real or not, taking an ember attack to the face wasn't on tomas' list of enjoyable dream scenarios, so he kept his big mouth shut.
The New Enemy
I predicted it would be a fire-type move so i used aurora beam soon as she used flamethrower. my attacked over whelmed the flamethrower and forced the houndoom harder into the trunk of the tree behind her.
Dark Growlithe - Chapter 5
"i don't have anything against you personally, but you're a fire type pokémon and this pack is a water-type pack. we do almost everything in the water and you can't swim. at least not for long before fainting." "i can still fight on the land.
Joining the Team: Chapter 4: Battle
Henrietta stood dumbfounded as its own attack was used by the fire type to overcharge his flame. then the column of flame struck it full in the chest and tossed the sceptile backwards.
After the Storm - Part 21 [Unsettling discussion]
The sceptile asked with a chuckle, only to be greeted by sighs from the fire types. "cut him some slack, joseph. he just got back from the branch in iran and he knows little to none about jason." the blaziken said. "this recruit..."
The Infinite Sorrow CH.1
"so i'm a fire type" anthony states. "this means i'm good against grass, ice, bug, and steel. but weak against water, fire, dragon, and rock" "so i'm dark, and that means i'm good against...?"
Journey to another world pt2 ch54
Do you really think a fire type has the least bit of a chance against a water type like myself. i will wipe the floor with..." "what about a electric type?" "or a very pissed off fighting type."
Before the Endgame
"really wish they could have stuck around longer to let me finish." the fire type scowled. "we'll be up against some of the strongest humans in this region along with that green madman should things go south.
After the Storm - Part 3 [Familiar Faces]
Charlie seemed quite pleased with this, the other fire types of their division were talented and capable.
Pokemon beta emerald chapter 7
I'm at a huge disadvantage, treecko is a grass type going against a fire type. i'm going to have to play smart if i want to win.
A Shifty Discount
The design of the entire day spa was ingenious, but the sauna was especially clever: the heating mechanism for the chamber wasn't a typical heater with wood or coals to douse, but instead, the sleeping chambers of the fire type pokemon were placed on the other
Vriska Vulpix's Journal
We'll have a free-for-all, but you'll still be soaked by the end cuz' you're a fire type and chi and i are both water types." "not if i have anything to do with it," i challenged. "bring it, fire pup!"