"The Thin Line," Part LL

There was a sore temptation to take my bow and arrow and make sure neither of the ones i saw could report back, but i held my fire.

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The Elemental Blade: Chapter 11

"well, i've learned to use the sword, but mostly by the bow and arrow."

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 39

Even if he tasted the death of everyone in this house, luke would be back with a posse of angry foxes, all wielding bows and arrows, the most cowardly of weapons. maybe ander would lead the charge himself.

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Born Again Angel : Chapter 1 - Ignorance is bliss

Shouting and screaming ensues as people rush past the four 'outlanders', carrying bows and arrows, crossbows, and an assortment of other weapons. shrill screams can be heard from the other side of the wall as an arrow finds its target.

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Strong Wolf Chronicles part 9 - Simplicity

Not only that, but the most advanced pieces of technology in the entire hut were the hand-crafted bow and arrows placed against a wall. other than the bed, a wooden table, and a few simple-looking stools, the place was rather bare.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 66

Henry, being a bit more reserved than his fellows, simply double-checked his bow and arrows, keeping his ears perked.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 67

Henry, being a bit more reserved than his fellows, simply double-checked his bow and arrows, keeping his ears perked.

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Monster Mankind Chapter 2

Mark wields the element of light and creates a bow and arrow, solidifying it so that it can be of use. soon several targets appear, a total of three were moving about in simple linear directions.

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After years batons replaced swords, maces and axes and spears turned into spears and bows and arrows. the following years brought, along with the wars, the rise of armor.

The childhood part 2

There was swords, sheilds, claws, teeth, bows and arrows, magic, and even fists. and with these weapons, a war battle, and two angry sides what do you get? bloodshed. it was... indescribable.

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Brother Light, Brother Dark: In Which Jaqaran is Made an Accomplice

He was only to be standing inside the castle as baron fernithor was to make his speech to the crowd, so he was very likely to be out of the way while donichus took his shot with his bow and arrow from a distance.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 23

There were a lot of vixens around, hurrying along in their flowing garb, but a distinct lack of males, and that meant a distinct lack of bows and arrows. they were so vulnerable right now, every last one of them.

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