
Lounging at the bar across the room, the blue-and-white feathered demon was looking around his apartment with some level of amusement in her eyes, swirling a clear vial in her hand.

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Cold Trailing: A Man Not to Annoy

Stepping before him, sayer held the vial under will's nose. it was blood, there was no doubt of that, but from what will couldn't even hazard a guess.

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First Fatality And Funeral

The vial of sand and dirt shattered, as did the bowl holding the cave-water; the torch was blown out, then blown entirely off its stand onto the ground; the cone of incense simply went out.

Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Twenty

Cursing under his breath, he reached into his jacket and pulled out one of his vials. "think this'll get us kicked off?" he asked quietly as he uncorked it.

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Beware the umbrella red and black death it all began with the blue and green vials, blue was death, green was life, blue broke, green lost death reigned, life destroyed names, lives and time lost to them.

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 3, On the Trail of Legends" - Chapter 8

James smiled weakly and looked at the vial again, and then at lilly. he slowly stood, looking at the vial in his hand, and stepped towards the waste disposal chute in his cabin.

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Brother Light, Brother Dark: In Which an Adumbral Transaction Takes Place

Donichus forced himself to pry his gaze away from the vial. "how does one provide the means to achieve impossible things? how does one come up with such a foul substance in its purest state?"

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 8

It was filled with a clear and thick fluid separated from a very light blue thick fluid also in the vial. liquid plasma is what it is commonly called.

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Dragon Freeze Pain

She took out a vial that she had bought earlier that day, all in preparation for this.

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Transcend - Part 2

She reached in and tugged out a vial with her mouth, holding it out for him. evergreen took the vial from her, scooped some of the moss into it. he inspected it inside the vial, and then stoppered it back up, handing it to her. "so...

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It hurts you and stains your soul and soon that pain is out of control one can be forgiven but to what extent what is you gave in and what you did was permanent unforgivable and vial as if made of pure guile one must atone and your

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Out of the frying pan...

He looked at what was on the cart she pushed in front of her, catching sight of some vials, needles, a constricting band and some other medical implements.

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