Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 10

He didn't have to hide in a cramped old tent to do it anymore, away from the cold eyes of the wolves, always telling him to stop wasting time on such useless trash.

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A Firefighter to the rescue — 04 — The First Meeting

And useless......" " why useless ?" " does someone need a blind lucario ?" " of course." " who ?" " your friends. your trainer." " hmmm ... friends i'm not having and.... sebastian ... i don't see a reason why he should need me or even keep me.

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Dreams Ch. 5

In the bag that umbra had given me, he had left some fruits to eat, but also gave me equipment to fish and hunt with; both seeming to be useless in this giant meadow. despite having food in my bag, there were nights that i did not eat.

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Heart in Me

It was just as useless as the rest of him. useless, afraid, stupid, alone. those were all he was, and anything else was a lie to make himself feel better. he curled into a ball again. it would be so easy to just give in. _thump._ he blinked.

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Ice Soldier chapter 4

He rick had to laugh at the confederation's stupidity in having a single flag ship, tough bastards that the ship was, once taken out, the rest of the fleet was essentially useless.

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Drac Ch2

They were useless to the micen unless the runts had some means of opening them. he giggled at the thought before putting the meat into the freezer and then pondering where he could safely put the bread.

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You Gave Me A Promise

_"i should really put you out of your misery; you're useless now anyway..," squall stated in a monotone followed by a hint of amusement as he almost sung, "'he' doesn't even want you anymore. why would he; you're disgusting."

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Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 17

This is useless!" she flopped onto her back, her chest rising and falling.

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Lost Son (commission for lucaslunar)

Instead, they were damned to simply hang uselessly on a belt or wall as little more than an attractive trinket without practical use. this wouldn't be aisoku's fate.

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The Other Dragon World: Chapter 10

"it's useless...." he coughed again. " liver is torn out...and i won't be alive...for much longer. go and take spyro...before it's too late."

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 11

He didn't have to hide in a cramped old tent to do it anymore, away from the cold eyes of the wolves, always telling him to stop wasting time on such useless trash.

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Chapter 28 Imperfect Love

Charles knew that if he wasn't so useless, he could have helped his lover run the duchy. but he _was_ useless. and instead of sharing the burden with richard, he wound up caring for jonathan fulltime. he stole jonathan's love from richard.

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