Dexter & Tod Kapitel 8 - Die Katze ist aus dem Sack

Bedauerlicherweise war auch dexter dazu gezwungen, den triumph der katze anzuerkennen. um dem köter des bauern in seinem erschöpften zustand noch entkommen zu können, blieb ihm nichts anderes übrig als unverzüglich den rückzug anzutreten.

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The Expedition (Sonic Character TF/TGs)

Nic shouted in triumph as her and fiona climbed the steps. the two arrive at the surface, no sign of rouge anywhere. "we lost here..." nic said sadly. "this isn't right." fiona said looking around.

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Peach's Married Life

Against all odds, through armies and traps, with the blood of millions of bowser's troops on his hands - and, more often, his shoes - he'd triumphed again and again.

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Our Hjemkost

And yet, they also sing of triumph. of how we fought her tooth and nail, of how we survived. for not every town was lost. not every life was swallowed up by cruel winds and biting frost. and though life was hard, we began to realize a dream.

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Basket Case

Armen looked around, seeing the firecrackers they were going to set off to celebrate their triumph.

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Code Drop: Powder Hounds - An Official Heat Teaser

Careening ever faster down the mountainside, he raised his arms in triumph, neon green coat flapping after him. _he doesn't even have to zip up!_ tess growled around a shiver. the jackal leaned downhill, tucking down under the wind.

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Chapter 10: The Chains of a Nightmare

He roared in triumph. he quickly gave flare a deep a kiss. that was the last thing xenorosth, and even flare expected. a kiss? what was going on? flare hissed and writhed again. then it came clear.

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Chapter 11: A dark secret unfolds

#11 of spyro: light shall triumph in our last story the darkmaster had returned. a vicious battle ensued. galinoth had been beaten back by the ferocity of the darkmaster.

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Chapter 9: Return of the damned

#9 of spyro: light shall triumph in the last story a fierce battle ensued after the hellion had finally detected the enemy vessels. after a few minutes an imperial fleet had answered their distress call.

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Chapter 6: The Great One Incarnate

#6 of spyro: light shall triumph in my last story galinoth had found some ancient tunnels that led to the chamber where he made his discovery. he wondered around a bit until he found another chamber where the artefact had laid dormant for 30,000 years.

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Chapter 3: A Grand Re-union

#3 of spyro: light shall triumph three and counting! man, i can't believe im at my third story already! in the previous story a lot was found out about galinoth and what had happened to him. he's upset that he couldn't do anything to help.

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The Moon Follows the Sun

We will face this threat together and triumph, or die together in each other's arms. whichever choice fate decides for us.

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