Chapter 9: Return of the damned

Story by Bloodgod245 on SoFurry

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#9 of Spyro: Light shall triumph

In the last story a fierce battle ensued after the hellion had finally detected the enemy vessels. After a few minutes an imperial fleet had answered their distress call. But soon after they arrived, the hellion was destroyed. The imperials took revenge by destroying the first wave. Then thousands of enemy ships entered the fight. Outnumbered and outgunned, the imperials were ready to make a last stand. But to their complete and utter astonishment a guardian vessel entered the Fray. After half an hour there was only a dust cloud and debris field of what was the enemy fleet. Once the enemy was dispatched, the imperials returned to where they came from and the leviathan was given over to the survivors of the hellion and they set course for the nearest outpost. Galinoth and Naomi announced that they were staying with the dragons.

Chapter 9: Return of the damned

It's been 2 months since the battle for the very survival of this world had taken place.

And no more ships had been near the planet. On the surface all was well. It was another bright and sunny day that would make even the tensest of creatures relax a little. Spyro and Cynder were training with Ignitus to hone their fire powers. They were progressing faster then anyone could have anticipated. Even Galinoth seemed impressed, and he was supposed to be the avatar of the great one. Just goes to show everyone how much he respects the dragons. Galinoth had built a house for him and Naomi some miles away in a secluded location that reminded them of the beautiful garden world called Terragona.

Meanwhile Spyro and Cynder's training had finished. Ignitus said they could take the rest of the day and enjoy it however they wanted. So they decided to take a walk in the forest for a while. After an hour they heard some strange noises and decided to investigate. After ten minutes they found nothing and continued on their walk until they reached a cliff. They sat down at the edge and admired the view.

"It's so beautiful." Cynder said. The view was incredible. The sun was setting and so the colours reflecting off the surface of the ocean were magnificent.

"It sure is." Spyro replied.

They stayed there until the sun had fully set. They were on their way back to the temple when they heard that strange noise again.

"What is that?" Cynder asked.

"I don't know, but we better find out" Spyro replied.

They had opted to follow the noise. After a few minutes they had found the source of the noise. Some strange, deformed creatures were holding a darkened crystal shard from what looked like the same thing that Gaul had used in his dark experiments when Cynder was under the dark masters control.

"They using those crystals to try and create something." Spyro said.

"But what?" Cynder asked.

"I don't know, but we must tell the others." Spyro said.

And just as they were about to set off one of the creatures turned around and glared to where they had been hiding. As soon as it spotted then it let out some sort of wailing screech that hurt the young dragon's ears. Then all of the creatures gave chase to try and capture the young dragons. As soon as Spyro found a clearing he and Cynder took off towards the temple to tell the others about this. As soon as they arrived they raced towards the dojo hoping to catch one of the elder dragons. When they got their, they found ignitus. They told him what had happened with these creatures.

"And you say these creatures just looked at you and attacked?" he asked.

"Yes, they gave chase to us as soon as they spotted us, it was like they recognised us." Cynder replied.

"This is very odd indeed." Ignitus said.

"What was even weirder was that they seemed to be worshiping this dark violet crystal." Spyro said.

"A dark violet crystal?" Ignitus asked. He was worried.

"Yes, is that important?" asked Cynder.

"The Darkmaster gave those crystals to his most devout followers, they have the power to bring his spirit back into the real world." He replied.

The two young dragons were shocked to hear this. A crystal that could revive the dark master, now we know those creatures worshipped him.

"We must tell the others about this." Spyro said.

"I agree with you spyro, please go and bring them here now." Ignitus ordered.

After a few minutes of searching the other elders were in the dojo and were being informed of the situation. They too were shocked to here this.

"Are you sure?" Cyril asked. His voice was incredulous.

"I'm afraid so Cyril, these creatures that attacked Spyro and Cynder worship the Darkmaster, and what's worse is that they have a violet crystal." Ignitus replied.

There was an audible intake of breath at that piece of information.

"The crystal must be destroyed." Volteer announced.

"But the creatures now know we are on to them, they will have moved." Terrador countered.

"I know they will have moved, but they must have a camp around here somewhere." Volteer replied.

"We must ask Galinoth for aid." Ignitus said.

"Me and Cynder will go and ask him." Spyro said.

"Do you know where they are?" asked Cyril.

"Yes we do." Cynder replied.

"Then go with haste young dragons." Ignitus said.

With that said and done, Spyro and Cynder set off for Galinoth's place. It took them a full hour to find it. They landed in a beautiful garden that had the loveliest of flowers.

"Hello Spyro, hello Cynder, what brings you out here?" Naomi asked.

"Hello Naomi, we need to speak to Galinoth urgently." Spyro said.

"What's the matter?" she asked. She was growing Concerned.

"The Darkmaster may be trying to return to this world using a violet crystal." Cynder replied.

"A violet crystal." Naomi asked.

"Ignitus told us that they were given to his most devout followers as a means to bring him back in the event he is killed or his spirit has left his body." Spyro replied.

"I'll go tell him." She said.

She ran off into the beautiful wooden house they built. And moments later Galinoth had come out in full battle armour.

"Where is this crystal?" he asked.

"The creatures that had it will have moved from where we found them, we came here seeking help." Cynder replied.

"Then you shall have it, take me to where you last saw these creatures." He demanded.

"Ok" Spyro said.

It took them another hour to get to the location where they had spotted the creatures.

Galinoth looked around for a bit. Then he found what looked like tracks heading north.

"What is north of here?" he asked.

"There are some caves in the mountain ranges to the north." Cynder replied.

"Then that is where they may be heading." Galinoth said.

With haste they headed to these caves. These caves were darker then any Spyro had ever seen.

"There is a malicious presence here so be careful." Galinoth warned.

He raised his storm bolter/plasma blaster arm in front of him. So if any unexpected guest tried to attack, he would blast them to pieces. After what seemed like eternity they had emerged into a vast cavern filled with those deformed creatures. And in the centre of the cavern was the crystal they came to destroy.

"You two stay here." Galinoth said.

"We want to help." Cynder protested.

"If something does happen and I fail, some one will need to head back to the temple and warn the others." Galinoth replied.

"Fine, we will stay." Spyro said.

Before anyone could say anything else, the creatures began chanting and the crystal began to glow more brightly then before. The presence Galinoth felt before was growing stronger.

"There bringing him back!" Cynder hissed.

Galinoth jumped down and began to slay the creatures in an attempt to stop the ritual.

He was killing left and right. But there seemed to be an endless number of these creatures. As soon as he reached the crystal did he notice the tendrils of darkness emanating from it. There were too many creatures blocking his path to the crystal. Then all of a sudden, a booming laughter filled the cavern. A dark form began to form in front of the crystal. It began to grow into the form of a dragon. Its head sprouted horns like a dragon, but they split in half to form four of them. Then after a minute the creature was fully formed. To Galinoth's horror, he realised that it was a purple dragon that had formed. The malicious presence that he sensed before grew ten-fold.

The dragon was now 15-feet tall.

"You have done well my servants!" It boomed.

"What are you?" demanded Galinoth.

"HAHAHAHA, you do not know who I am?" the creature said.

"No" Galinoth replied.

"I am the Darkmaster!" it bellowed.

"I'll send you back to hell!" Galinoth shouted.

"I'd like to see you try." The Darkmaster replied.

Galinoth readied the Talon and lunged for the Darkmasters heart.

Well that's chapter 9 folks.

Comments and suggestions are welcome.

If anything seems like other peoples work then I apologize. It wasn't intentional!