Miklagard (Teaser)
The skalds told no tall tales - truly this was a sight worthy of the months of hard travel. seven months along muddy trails, across rough-shod routes, down sheer gullies and through dense thickets.
Dive To Thrive And Survive
Previously on the Amazing Race, our teams got to have a little practice with Cricket. Although some teams had an epic fail. And we mean EPIC fail. Afterwards it a visit to the library and straight run to the finish line. The cab drivers won. Again!...
One Too Many Races
Teams must travel to daytona beach, a city known for its love of nascar and beaches so firm you can drive a truck over it. once they arrive at deland station, they'll find the clue box with their next instructions.
Getting to know each other Pt.1
But for the air stepping only three steps can be made since it takes a lot of chi to do" druk turns away from us and takes a stance, drawing his hand back then shot a small blast of chi into the open area, it doesn't travel far.
One Trip to Miami
The Q15 pulled to a stop at Roosevelt ave., where the door opened so straphangers could board the 7 train that would whisk them off to Manhattan, for work, leisure, but mostly work. I have stopped riding the train when I got my car, because after all,...
Tokyo Tension
Coffee steadied his nerves, after a fashion, and the food had filled the growling emptiness of his stomach that he hadn't paid much mind to under the travel fatigue.
The 'Fate' of St. Ardyran
I had traveled long enough to see what had happened to those treated different. it had to have been a curse - a malady that came from a supernatural influence. at first, i was scared.
Towards The Top
Previously on the Amazing Race, after a long day and a two-part competition, our teams finally got a break in Minot, North Dakota. Some teams slipped up in the One-Way and others got a little tongue-tied with another language. By some miracle (and a...
100 Things To Do Before Grave Robbing
Previously on the Amazing Race, the cab drivers finally proved they have a weakness: disc golf; from which they fell waaaaaaaaay down. The officers showed us a few tricks, Echo dominated both tasks, and Kaleb come out of his slump and scored one the...
The Quest
I just stood there and watched Zerato walk away. "Uhm.. exactly where are we supposed to go?" I tilt my head a bit and one ear flattened against my head. I never really took it into thought honestly, to why the sender of the letter asked us to gather...
Down One Up One
Teams must travel by bus into the capital city, kuala lumpur, until they reach the petronas towers where they'll find the next tip. the fox and bear rush out of the lake towards the bus stop. but they'll be okay.
Chapter Ten (Todd)
Just... traveling all over the u.s. what about you guys?" "we finally got our own place." i say. "i can see that." "and i've got a job." "really? where?" "home depot. i start after we get back from our trip." "oh yeah.