Stakes in Space (Otherwise Untitled)

~ "fight me with what you are, you faggot traitor!", screaming into the jackalope's face before he heaved to ready a breath weapon. the campus police were nowhere to be heard, yet.

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Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 19 -- Truth Revealed

"you traitor," solar said smugly with an evil grin. the dragon stopped and glared at him. "excuse me?" "you traitorous excuse of a waste of flame," solar said, advancing on the researcher.

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The Lion King Old Stories of the Past 7

"kishindo you traitor," baya said getting up, "i know i'm a traitor, don't you see what you're doing, your destroying what was once our family, this pride you lived in it, just because what mother and father did," "you watch yourself boy," baya threatened,

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Leafblade - Chapter 9

"whether it was luck or intuition, kendrick rooted out the traitor and helped your father secure the throne." "why didn't anyone contest his right to the throne?" tarin asked suddenly.

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The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Forty Five

"another traitor..." "can it," the asian boy snapped. "porter's not the only one you've been lying to." "that's five of us against one of you, mortoph," porter said.

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Fifteen

Had they really believed she was a traitor to her people? or, had they done it out of shame? were their votes their way of disowning her?

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The Sand Castle

I sigh as the waves below remind me that time only goes forwards, despite what my heart would have me believe, and so i walk back into my castle, back into what is comfortable and safe as my heart calls me traitor, and coward.

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Grim Forge

Who want to free some of the damned don't trust the striking demons because they suspect that the demons must have unspoken selfish reasons for striking since demons have a cruel nature, or suspect that the demons are following celestial orders to draw out traitorous

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Chapter 18

But his death inspired the fear of a traitor, causing fingers, and unwanted attention towards shadowheart.

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 4: An Unexpected Discovery", Prologue

Be something akin to divine intervention, she could never go home; if she tried, it would mean her immediate death at the hands of the first r'hinsa she came into contact with or worse--to be captured, imprisoned, and publicly humiliated and tortured as a traitor

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Of Fox and Wolf Chapter 5: The Kingdom

You said it yourself, they probably consider you a traitor. and i can't imagine that hoffox will suddenly have a change of heart and give you a promotion.

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Future Sanctuary - Chapter 12: The Price of Sanctuary

Jim bows his head to the pair of rathac, "if you'll excuse me, i need to check with my people and see if anything has been found out about the honor-less traitors who started this incident."

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