Scion 2nd Edition Intro

Dodaem - the purview of the manitou, granting them the power of communing with totems to seek wisdom and guidance. it's innate power allows the user to, once each scene, ask a manitou for its favor as a simple action.

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Leviathan 09: Gospel in Chrome

There's no dancing around it, neodox is _not_ a new religion in and of itself, it's a reinterpretation of historical faith, picking and choosing its totems as needed, weaponised intertextuality.

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 6

He advanced on wardo, but the blasted wolf didn't so much as flinch, not even when kadai stood over him like a totem, his teeth bared. "why are you doing this, you slinksy little bastard?" "i have my reasons, sai," wardo replied, calm as can be.

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Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 01

._ high in the mountains in an area well secluded from both the elements and prying eyes, is a clearing sounded by many large native wooden carvings of animals, these totems representing the many animal spirits that existed in the world.

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Thirteen Takes From Another World: Tenth Tale

Moss rock is its own little world, completely separate from the rest of reality where we're at the bottom of the totem pole." "we can just wait for them to leave the cage unlocked again." dulcina suggested.

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The Search for Ka'Le (6/15)

"they're totems!" he blurted out before anyone had the chance to ask him to explain. "barbarian tribes try to get spirits to help protect the clan, these guys must be pretty old and powerful if they have their own shrine!"

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Just Like Clockwork #01

His clothes resembled those of the grizzly's but he wore a feathered hair pin, with a circular totem like design as the cover. chronos sat at a table nearby, overlooking a small pool shaped like a pond, taking in the scenery around him.

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The Message

I was hoping you'd tell me it was a good luck totem, or some sort of ancient rite of whatever that ensures a good harvest or something. not, you know, death and destruction and angry gods and my oh my...

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Broken Pieces. Chapter Twenty.

These two were fresh and new and would be pushed to the bottom of the totem pole until they could work their way up. if they ever managed to.

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Ander - Epilogue: Subchapter 2

Even the idea behind the cora statue started out as an 'evil' totem pole.

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Leviathan 01: Name of the Game

He's seen it all before, their totems, the little acts and routines as they slowly work their way to an inevitable conclusion, it's always the same. it isn't her fault really, she's just been given devastating news.

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