The Romance of War Ch. 1: No Peace
His tentacles receded and flailed about behind him as he faced the remaining three creeps, their inhuman snarling the only noise they could utter before arie dashed into the fray, six more tendrils joining the two blood spattered ones he left out, his teeth
Cry Me a Murder, Part III - a Strange Crunching Underfoot
"you think it's the tentacle monster?" asked fernando. he was shaking, and struggled to keep the flashlight still. "nope," i said, examining the imprints. "tentacles from the abyss don't walk around barefooted."
Demon tale chapter 1-3
W.a. yells as suddenly a tentacle comes out of his fore paw. now w.a. comes back to reality. "are-are you it!?" w.a. yells and holds his left paw. ‘you remember now?' the voice hearing evilly. w.a. yells in fear and in pain.
Writting Commissions Open
In general, about nsfw, i'm most skilled with: - tf (species) - hypno / mind control - tentacles - vanilla - demon related i won't write anything related to: - pedophilia / "young age" / ddlg - diapers - scat / watersports
Choose your own Path pt15
Comes up here is tested on various sections of their character, and i have to admit you did quite were polite, brave, independent, and while i was amusing myself watching your progress, you didn't do anything that would have alerted me except the tentacle
Cthulhu's Grasp
Blinding smoke does push and pull, with hostile thoughts and voices full, now the beast is creeping near, fall to my knees, succumb to fear, turn to look, i freeze in shock, muscles stuck like a rusted lock, fetid mist slowly unwinds, tentacles
Innocent Bonds Page 2
It had raised it's tentacle, and wailing it at me to harm me, but then nothing happened, as i open my eyes, and what i saw was my brother, keino.
Executive decisions Chapter 16
"you're pulling my tentacles!" he glooped with his misshapen hole for a mouth, "the crowleys, the banishment to the basement, the whole millennium bug thing!" _crowleys_? _basement_? peregrin's evil heart beat faster. "oh," he said, "that."
Age of Grey Ether
Black tentacles shot out of the screen and wrapped around his limbs. the silver haired male let out a panicked yelp as he tried to fight back against them. "i've seen way enough hentai to know where this is going!"
Memories in the Sand
The tentacles thrash at the solidifying stone around it. the main body tries to coil under the prison forming around its extra appendage. the fanak slashes at air with his claw.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 9.1 - A Call Against Bastardom
Iris herself brought all her tentacles forth across the dresser, glossing them up with a special oil that made them shimmer, as well as address the small cracks in the tendrils.
Slender Haiku
More and more grab you, they're tentacles of some sort, it's suffocating. please, don't you fret fox, circulation cutting short, nothing to worry for. it will all be gone, it's just a matter of time, all you can do is...