Empty - Chapter 2
Binding the gauze to his paws with a roll of adhesive tape and dry-swallowing two aspirins from a small bottle completed his task.
Babypups part 2
Onto some baby oil which she rubbed into lucky's sensitive area, finally she slid a clean diaper underneath lucky's fuzzy butt and made sure to thread his tail through the hole in the back she put in it, she then folded the front between lucky's legs and taped
Special Delivery
He extended the blade just enough to cut the tape and not go any deeper, carefully running it against the seams. timber retracted the blade fully and set it down, before pulling the flaps of the box open.
Act Your Age at the Mall
To his ears, the rip of the tapes was as loud as thunder, but as mommy began to clean him, his thoughts wandered.
Chapter 1 - The Loadout
He retrieved the tape from the vcr and put it back in its case, then returned to cindy to hug her again. the hug led to a kiss. a half a minute later, he dropped the tape on the couch. another minute later, they sank back down onto the couch.
Shiny Pennies on Parade
I set my tape for sunday night. not monday morning. i missed it. i have every," she stressed, "episode of american family on tape, and you ruined it. now, i have to wait for, what, six months from now ... for reruns? if you even choose to rerun it.
30. Picture It
Zang, who sat in as a site "guard" was standing outside the tape as marshall wrapped up, she nodded sternly at him, and in return he nodded back as she ducked under the tape and approached the stump.
Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 6 of 37
Cade ducked through the tape and lifted it up for me. glancing around, i followed and we entered the unlocked door. immediately the difference was noticeable. the inside was as cool as the main building but considerably darker.
Toys 3: The Toychest
He quickly shoved the piece of gauze against the diced pinky and went back with both hands, knowing he would have to tape it down before calling a paramedic.
Raiyev Part 4
She held out a piece of paper that was folded over and taped shut. "i can't say who it's from--i got it through some sort of weird chain of deliverers. all i was told was to tell you that you'd understand it."
Gwen Gets Catnapped (Cats & Dogs 3: Paws Unite Story)
Roger looked sad to see gwen tied up and having tape on her mouth. "don't worry, i'm here for ya." whispered roger. roger rips the tape off slowly trying not to mess up her fur. "i'm so glad to see you here roger!" purrs gwen.
Chapter One: The Roommate Part One
In his arms, which were quite strong and tense, was a large cardboard box, taped over with packaging tape. the fox easily carried the box into the dorm room and set it down amongst a grouping of other boxes, similarly packaged.