Tonight In Flames (Pt. 1)

She had stunning yellow eyes that were complimented by her tan fur and black nose. a short muzzle accentuated her face just as much as her large, fluffy ears did.

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The Stone- Chapter 2

Her hair was long, about down to her waist, and it was a sleek brown with stands of lighter tan colors all through it.

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The Weight: Chapter 14

The tan wolf stared down upon the body of mason for a moment, considering their options, then shook his head. "we'll send them home as well," he replied dryly.

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Being A Boy

A poem about becoming a teenager i love to have my shirt off at the beach i stick my chest out my skin is smooth and tan i run into the water and feel a wave hit my body i float feeling the cold water on my body and i dive under swimming with the fish

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character bios

Jerondax "jax" medera male wolf/fox hybrid blue, gray, white fur and hair black pawprint tattoo on right arm faded green cargo shorts, tan khaki shirt dog tags hanging around neck energetic deep green eyes tinted rectangle eyeglasses with thin frame fun loving


It Tis' in Flight!

The underbelly was maroon fire--- the overscales magenta--- the mane from tip to snout was ultra-violet--- the claws a marbled, tan.

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Alantris, Chapter 1

He had tan fur and sunken eyes. "who's that?" howl inquired. he did not recognize the figure. "why are you showing a prisoner to me?"

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Chronicles of Draxuz: Chapter 5

Seeing that the black canine was done with his opponent, the tan one charged at him, his sword held above his head.

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Backyard Bursting

The tan-furred mass of flab was his primary feature, framed only by the singular, truck-tire-sized roll of lard that he called a love-handle, but others called a fat shelf.

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Ep4-Training-The Tamers of shadow

Name: brandon thompson age: 16 height:5'10 appearance: skinny tan colored kangaroo, with brown hair and blue eyes. personality: is a shy person, that is very smart but is too much of an introvert to make many friends.

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Moving Day

Judging by the closed eyes and the relaxed, pleased smile cutting across the light tan fur of bruno's muzzle, the wolf had nothing to worry about.

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Chance Encounters: Middle School. 8th Grade.

The brown was only markings on his face and chest with tan paws, arms and legs. it gave him far softer features than jasper's father had, a man that scared chance.

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