The Stone- Chapter 2
#4 of The Stone
Quick disclaimer. I do not own Pokemon, i do not own any of the merchandise, towns, places, events, etc. I am using it in my own vision which has nothing to do with the company, Nintendo, or Pokemon.
Anyways, here is chapter 2, which i had promised a long time ago. Only reason i havent worked on it is because my computer has been very buggy of late... Anywho, I decided to just kinda focus on the plot here, sprinkle some love and romance, add some twists, and put in an alternate way for Eric to, ah, enjoy Jade's "company" in later chapters... But i hope you enjoy it anyways, and i hope that you will be looking forward to a Chapter 3! :D Please, do not be shy aboiut critiqueing or commenting! :)
My vision was black, nothing around me except darkness. I looked around and tried to see if someone was there but there wasn't unfortunately. My head started to turn frantically, looking for someone out there that could help me out, but it all ended in vain. I looked once more to the right of me though and gasped. That's when I saw the man again, staring at me with his hands behind his back, smiling wide.
I was caught off guard for a second, since he literally appeared out of nowhere, so I simply just walked to him. It took only a moment for me to realize I was still a Quilava, but I had little difficulty getting near him. Looking up at him now, he was much taller than before, mostly due to my transformation, but he still seemed to exude a weird aura about him, both mystifying and powerful. Suddenly either he was lowering or I was rising and we were at eye level, looking straight at each other.
He chuckled a few times and said casually, "So Eric, how was Jade, hm? You two seemed to have hit it off very well I see..." He grinned again, wiggling his dark eyebrows a few times.
My face flushed, remembering that I had just had very good sex with her only moments before. I was about to comment when he put a hand to my face, quieting me. As if he read my mind, the strange man crossed his arms and said, "Yes... you picked well, although, I am not here for your love life per say. I am here on a different matter..."
I titled my head to the side and was about to open my mouth when he pulled out his hand again and muttered, "Listen only, speak when spoken to. A mind knows more if they listen rather than preach." I numbly nodded my head and sat on my haunches, ready to listen since I really had no choice in the matter. After all, curiosity always did get the better of me.
The man sighed deeply and breathed in once, exhaling forcefully while shutting his eyes. He then opened them and brought his hand in front of him, moving it in a sweeping motion. Suddenly, from the black, the form of the weird stone appeared, although much larger than the one he gave me. My face brightened up as I realized I was right about that stone and it being something special. The man stared at the image for a bit and began to talk.
"This is the Stone, although a close up view of it. This is the same Stone as the one I gave you and this Stone is something that very powerful and diverse. I do not know much about the Stone itself, since I cannot actually use it." He sighed once and shook his head. "So I gave it to you to test out. The Stone, so far, seems to be able to transform you into a random Pokemon. This is more or less all I know about it so far. Its yours to keep and yours to figure out. Do you understand?"
I thought about it a second, thinking that it was quite the gift that this man was giving me. The thought of "great power comes great responsibility" popped into my head but it was much too cliché for my situation. I then looked at him and nodded confidently, smiling a bit. The man smiled too and then looked serious again.
"I have only one more thing to mention. Be careful." He stared at the stone for a bit and suddenly flashed me his card, which I grabbed carefully "Call me if in dire need."
I looked at him strangely then down at the card in my paw. It was simple and really only had three words on it. The middle of the card had the word "Vendor", followed by the next line with the words "Thumb Here". I flipped it back and forth and was about to ask him something when I noticed I was back into lonely darkness, left staring at a large Stone. I cocked my head at it, observing it, when I was suddenly thrown backwards and I could feel warmth and light... and a rough tongue against my furry cheek.
"Ah! You're awake finally!" Jade happily said, jumping around a bit. I groaned a bit and opened my eyes, looking up at the female Eevee, smiling weakly.
"Yeah, I am now..." I muttered, getting up and stretching out my body. Suddenly I heard a flip flap sound and looked down to see the stiff card from my dream fall slowly to the ground. I was in slight shock at it, but picked up with my mouth, heading for the house. My heart raced as I padded along, a curious and constantly questioning Eevee close at my heels.
"Oooooo what's that card?"
"Can you read human?"
"How did it get underneath you?"
"Why are you going to the people's house?"
"Um... you really shouldn't go in there..."
"Eric?! Wait for me!"
At the last question, Jade raced up along to me, nearly colliding with my body as I suddenly stopped, staring at the topaz stone in front of me. Jade looked around my body and her eyes got big. "Ooooooo... pretty..." She was about to touch it when I gently put her paw down, shaking my head a bit. Her ears perked down but she obliged, sitting back and licking some of her matted fur clean.
I stared at that stone, looking at it and processing what Vendor had told me during that dream. If it was all said and true, then all I would need is to touch it and he would revert back to human, only needing to touch it again to return to being a Pokemon. I shrugged and muttered, "Ah, what the heck..." and lightly tapped the stone with my paw.
Once again the warmth spread throughout me as I was knocked out again, although this time less than before. I let my body adjust as I laid there knocked out, and soon I was looking at the ceiling once again, although this time I could hear a panicked noise and a bit of crying as I looked up. There, in a corner, was a terrified Jade, looking at me in wonder, horror, and despair.
A pang went through my heart as I saw her like that and I immediately sat up, looking at the shaking Eevee before me. I was back to being fully clothed but noticed that I had changed apparel color-wise, everything becoming black or red or tan. It hit me that it was the coloration of a Quilava but I threw the thought out of my head, setting my sights on Jade, trying to figure out a way to calm her down.
"Jade? Jade... it's me, Eric... don't be frightened or anything... I'm still the same guy you met!" I cooed at her, sitting Indian style about four feet away from her. Her shaking had slowed a bit but she was still pretty scared. I reached out a bit to try and console her but retreated quickly when she tried to bite me.
"Yeah, sure you are! I bet you can't even understand me you furless fool!" My eyes went wide a bit as I understood every bit of what she had said and smiled, leaning a bit closer towards her but not close enough to be bitten.
"Furless fool? You're the one that has matted fur from a special event just a bit ago..." The Eevee was about to spring at the comeback but stopped herself, realizing that I had understood her, and now there was no more fear, only curiosity and interest. She slowly padded over to me and sniffed him a few times, her eyes wide. "Eric? That really is you, huh?!"
I smiled and gave Jade a small lick on her cheek, making her smile wide. "Yes, it's me, but this is actually who I am! You see..." And then I explained to Jade the story from today and the dream I had, along with the little information about the Stone. Jade listened and piped in questions every now and then, but mostly stared at the Stone, which I had in my palm now.
After I was done, there she smiled again and padded to my lap, putting her front paws on my chest to nuzzle my cheek. "Well, either way, I would want to go at it again with you, so I think I am going to change!" Before I could do anything, she touched the stone with her paw and she was thrown back immediately, her body glowing as if she was going to evolve. My eyes grew wide as I watched the spectacle from a different view.
I slowly got up as she transformed, her body becoming longer and more humanlike, her paws becoming hands and her hind legs becoming feet. It felt like I was watching a person become a werewolf, but in reverse, and it was much brighter. After a few minutes of transforming, she was done, her light slowly fading away, to reveal a petite girl behind it.
She looked to be about 16 or 17, a little younger than me, but still around the right age. Her body curved nicely with her hips and down her smooth legs, her feet bare. She had perky breasts, about a C cup, and she loosely covered them with her arm. Her face was very cute and right for her age, eyes closed and mouth in a slight smile. Her hair was long, about down to her waist, and it was a sleek brown with stands of lighter tan colors all through it. The two things she retained most about her Pokemon form was her cute little ears on her head, poking through her hair, and a bushy tail she had, which wagged to and forth at that moment.
I was in complete surprise at the light figure of the girl in front of me. She was, in all respects, very hot... To me at least! She eventually opened her eyes at me and smiled, immediately rolling to her side and padding over to me on her hands and knees. She looked up and smiled again. "Do you like me like this Eric?" She cocked her head to the side, waiting for an answer.
Nodding numbly, it was plain to see that I liked it, due to the perfect tent I was having. Jade cocked her head to the side, her hair falling in a few strands away from her head. She looked at her hand and grabbed some, feeling it between her fingers until she noticed she actually had fingers and hands and began looking over them a few times. She also noticed that she was quite bare and furless and leaned back on her rump, her slit and her newfound boobs out in the open without any fur. I nearly nosebleeded right then and there from the sight of her in front of me and shifted uncomfortably.
I sighed, loving the sight before me, but also knowing that she didn't belong in that form at all. She was an Eevee after all, and should stay an Eevee. I looked at the odd Stone in my hand and wondered about something. So it made me a Pokemon and human... and made Jade into a girl... so does that mean that...?
I toyed within my head a bit and finally came up with an idea. Simply put, I needed her to touch the Stone again for her to change back! Simply solved! I smiled at the idea and she looked at me all innocent-like. I bit my lip, resisting the urge not to toss the Stone at her but in the end, I finally tossed it at her. The Stone flew through the air and she looked at it and reached out to catch it. And then suddenly...
Nothing. We both had our eyes closed, expecting something to happen, but nothing did. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed Jade was still the same as before, me a mix of disappointment, relief, and confusion at my relief. She opened hers up soon after mine and started to play with the Stone in her hands, mildly amused at it prettiness. I snatched it from her hands and inspected it myself, noticing it wasn't different at all. I shrugged my shoulders. I thought it might need a recharge time was all.
Suddenly she shivered and curled up into a ball. The Eevee-turned-human then shuddered violently and looked up at me. I knelt down before her putting a warm hand to her back. "Eric... I'm cold..." I smiled and got back up picking up the small girl up with my hands and keeping her warm as I brought her to my mother's room.
Within a few minutes I had wrapped her up in my mother's bed, letting her be snug inside it. She smiled and stared cutely as I went through the closet in front of my mom's bed, sorting through some clothes and trying to find some that she could wear. I had given her my jacket for the moment, hoping to warm her up a bit while I found something suitable for her. Jade was just curious, traveling under the covers all over the place and eventually poking her head out the end of the bed.
I couldn't help but laugh at the confused expression on her face and couldn't help but get hard when she turned around and stuck her butt up in the air, exposing herself to me. I slowly reached over to the blankets and moved it over her backside, returning back to my searching right after. "I know we bought something that I could use and... AHA!"
I fished out of one of the boxes labeled "HATS" a knitted brown Eevee-eared hat with two strands hanging down from its sides. I smiled and put it down, remembering when my mother bought it. I refused to let her wear it, even though she thought it made her more "with the times". Luckily she obliged and hid it away so to not tempt herself with wearing it.
From the back of the closet, I pulled out some more pieces of clothing; a pair of dark blue jeans that should fit Jade since my mother outgrew them, a regular tan shirt that wasn't too fashionable but would have to do, and a bra and underwear, both peachy-pink. I shrugged, not knowing what else I could get. Fashion wasn't such a big thing in the family and I looked out for durability honestly. And honestly, I didn't even expect Jade to turn into mostly human after touching the rock! Vendor would need some explaining to do after I was done with this...
I laid them out along the edge of the bed and tapped Jade, still underneath the covers. She finally poked her head out from underneath them and smiled, totally enjoying everything. She then noticed the clothes and gleefully squealed, pouncing at them.
"Are these mine?"
"What's this thing with the two sunken in parts?"
"These look so cool!"
"Are they edible?"
"Are the magical?"
"Do you wear these too?"
With the last question, she pushed the pair of panties in my face and I flushed bright red in the face, lowering her hand. I smiled and shook my head at her. "No, I don't wear panties Jade..." She looked down at them and felt them with her thumb and pointer finger.
I gently took them from her and went down to her feet, guiding her feet into each one of the holes. She looked curiously at me as I slid them up her legs slowly. It was really odd for me, dressing a girl instead of undressing. Even though, I took my time and let my hands feel up her legs until I had to pull them up to her waist. We were both quiet and her tail slowly wagged back and forth, just high enough to not touch the panties.
I left my hands by her waist, gulping a bit while she slowly shifted her legs, not leaving much for my imagination. After a few seconds though, I finally snapped myself into reality and shook my head, chuckling nervously a few times. What the hell is wrong with me...? I thought to myself, rubbing my head a bit. I couldn't help but be lustful, thinking everything and anything I would do with Jade in that bed...
Ignoring it, I grabbed the next piece of clothing she was exploring, the thing with two sunken in parts, the bra. Luckily my mom was a C-cup and the bra fit nicely on Jade as I put it on her, my knuckles accidently brushing across her breasts as I fixed it. She breathed sharply in through her teeth, closing her eyes and her ears went down. Jade opened her eyes a few seconds later, looking at the strange expression I had. She was just as surprised as I was and cocked her head to the side. "Hm... I didn't think I was THAT horny yet..."
Jade smiled and I smiled back, shaking my head. She was just so innocent and curious it melted my heart, and made me feel pretty weird. Here I was, both lusting and falling for a Eevee-turned-human. What was I thinking?! I sighed again, helping her and showing her how to get the rest of her clothing on. Finally taking my jacket back, I gave her the ear hat which I modified a bit. I cut holes in the bottom of the ears making it so that she could stick her ears in them and still move them around like normal.
The Eevee girl inspected the hat and eventually put it on her head, after some guidance, and smiled widely at me, loving her new wardrobe. She stared at me with her lovely green eyes and leaned forward, giving me an unexpected and almost forced kiss. After a minute, she took herself away, looking at my red and shocked face, smiling. "Thank you very much... Eric."
I smiled slowly and nodded my head and was about to say, "Your welcome" when I noticed someone at the doorway, holding a bag on her side, her arms crossed and her smell drifting into the room... the smell of a good day at the Spa. I gulped and looked to the left, looking at the lady staring at me angrily. "Hi... Mom..." I nervously said to her, Jade not helping one bit by smiling wide and waving at her. I slumped my head. The end of my world was near.