Veldetta put a small golden stud in each hole as marie dried simba's face. "makeup time!", marie announced cheerfully as she opened her kit. _ugh, _simba groaned mentally as veldetta removed the panty gag from his mouth.
The Crime
Colored blooms studded the vines like jewels, and the tall trees ringed her in. she walked to the center of their circle and sat down. she didn't want a husband.
The Wheel and The Lady Ch:1
It read "_hey stud, was wondering if we're still hanging out tonight? haven't messaged me all day. did you even notice me at the bus stop? was coughing to get your attention.
Breakout 3
With the way she held her hands one couldn't be sure whether she meant the guns or the studs. "well then why haven't you two had sex yet," she said in her sickly sweet voice. "if you two are together then you should have had sex by now."
Through A Glass Darkly - 4
All around them irregular tentacles flowed out from doorways like a hideous liquid, studded with mouths that screamed and eyes that stared. it was a terrible cacophony that made whiffletree wish she could clap her hooves over her ears.
The Patchwork Soldier Part II
The techie pressed the firing stud. there was no "zap", no beam of red light from the lens, only a faint "buzz" as the las-gun focused a beam of coherent light on me.
Astral High - Chapter 46
[titus] "it's like an extra half inch in diameter, and it's studded." [tanner] i felt my feet nudge against something and moved them, realizing i'd kicked ted. "sorry." "oh, that's your slippers. they're nice and warm, put your feet back."
The Life of Another - Chapter 4
It was brilliant strawberry red and had studs along the straps in varying colors and shapes. while i held it jim offered up a sheepish grin.
Furthemore Flash Fiction 2022 - Fedora
"besides," charlie spoke up with a hopeful little perk, "who would want to gun down such a handsome stud in such a beautiful suit and fedora?" that got a chuckle from both of them as ed pulled the box into his grasp.
Dorm Days - Chapter 2
_ i can either hang out with the hulk or a stud muffin. "yeah, i would like that," i said, feeling a little happier. immediately after i finished my statement, i heard what must have been the woman in the background letting out a roar at tom.
Scales and Honor- Night Rising: Epilogue
The man was clad in darkened leathers with dull metal studs lining surface. he had an energy crossbow slung with a worn leather strap around his torso. he kept with nigelius' quickened pace, as he brought the man further into the tower.
Agents of C.O.W.- Prologue
Still, there was clearly some kind of trouble given that the star-studded view of normal space was outside instead of the white of warp space as she slid into the captain's chair.