Ricin: The Origins Story

When those wolves pass on and join the ranks of the heavens, their stories live long past them. those kinds of legends turn into stories, stories that are known to all.

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Fantasy Story Outline

I am doing a commissions right now for someone, so hopefully within a few weeks i can get back on track and continue my stories.

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Story of Yojimbo Yamamora

The hollow's full height was that of a 5 story building. yojimbo knew they had to act fast or they were both dead. he started by sending a column of sand into the eyes of the hollow to blind it.

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Story of Sutoka Miyazaki.

At the age of 20 Sut?k? Miyazaki had everything he thought he ever wanted, yet he never seemed happy. One day his home was attacked by rogue, paramilitary forces in search for his money, and rumored weapons cache. Unfortunately, they outnumbered Sut?k?...

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balto's past story

Balto's past story i decided to write. i am open to suggestions on how to improve the story  

Be immersed (story) (the attack)

okay so today i'm narrating so first Im'a spend some time explaining anything but the farther i get the more i'll go fats pace and i'll explain less. so from the start~ It's a year into WWIII, there's no nuclear threat because right before the war...

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untitled story series

The first chapter of my untitled story series why is it called that because i cant figure out a name for it yet chapter one the beginning thomas," called his mother claira from the bottom of the stairs. "thomas, it's time for dinner.

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Alien Story and Raffle

I hope to use what i have learned to improve my story proselytize. also anyone who what's their name in the story leave a comment bellow and i will use a generator to chose some to be in the story.


Stories in Silver and Gold

stories in silver and gold * * * kings of silver, kings of gold weave your stories and tales behold. spin your fables and fantasies mold. - find those who have not yet heard these tales told.

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The story of little Snapper

Just a little story... it's my first, so i know it's not so good ^^ husky's diary so, today's day were so fucking annoying. snapper just was biting my tail. that hurts, don't he understand? but, i'll tell you a little story of my loved friend, snapper.

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Anthropia: The Back Story

**Anthropia Setting:** The exact date of when it happened has long since been lost to history. It was a time where humanity was on the cusp of godhood, their technology and science reaching levels far beyond what mortals should have acquired. The...


Vivi's Back Story

"vivi, my daughter...have i ever told you the story of my family?" chiya asked her one day. "no mother...." "this legend goes far back to the first priestess of this shrine of whom we are directly descended from.

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