The Lonely King

Dirt and sweat, coupled with the rank stench of fear. my nostrils twitch, sampling the aroma. a mortal, a lesser being... but not man, dwarf, or elf. am i dreaming? has my wishful mind conjured a creature of fancy?

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The cave was dark and had a stench of decay, the very air seemed to be still and tense but you pressed on anyway despite feeling and seeing the warning signs.

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Not Like Us - Preview

The stench of fear and mistrust was everywhere, filling my muzzle and burning my eyes, making my heart race. fear, kid, it changes people, and those poor otters were just reacting to a perceived threat. they couldn't help it."

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Zombiology - Rhinoceros

Even the freshly crushed grass beneath his feet could not filter past the overwhelming stench of decay. the large old bull blinked and lifted his head, trying to locate his enemy that had made it all but impossible for him to graze in days.

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The Fire Burns

She rolled over, but continued to choke, and the stench of smoke burned in her nostrils. reluctantly, she sat up, and her eyes adjusted to the lighting. she saw black clouds billowing in, sparks jumping beneath them. fire. get up, rarity. fire.


Marxima Chapter 1: Careful What You Wish For

The hunger, the exhaustion, the killing, and the stench of rotting flesh enveloping the entire battlefield. on top of a decrepit building that looks ready to tip over, a sniper sits, searching for a target through the scope of his rifle.

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Angel Story - chapter 1

The frigid breeze carried the stench of fresh blood. the sound was deafening with bombs whistling through the air and the echoing of the following explosions. even when the bombs slowed the noise was replaced by the screams of the terrified and dying.

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A story about Lars

"maybe getting to the source of the stench will change your mind. we're looking for evidence of a larger syndicate." "what kind of syndicate? if you go after them why wouldn't you come after us?" "you reek of suspicion, laronec.

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A Letter of Warning - Thursday Prompt Story [#20, 08/6/23]

You have one heck of a stench." "...enough talk. prepare yourself." "still won't own up, huh? fine. if that's the case, i'll just tear your mask off and show everyone myself!"

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An Old Story - a war story of unreality

Following this, gunner farted, zip cursed, driver slid back into his position and punched the engine's start button several times and loader threw up from the stench.

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Streams of Life: An Ancient Letter

The have thick hides which i believe would make excellent rugs or winter cloaks for the peasantry for no man of worth would wish to have a permanent stench about him as these creatures do.


In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 19

The stench was especially bad where the plow had piled up snow - and concentrated a year's worth of grime. senses overwhelmed by the unexpected onslaught, she broke into a sprint again. "what the hell are you doing?"

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