Yuuki briskly strode through the chaos as pilots and mechanics rushed around him as he made his way through the station.
Unlimited Force
Mark shifted a bit and turned the shuttle toward the opening hanger on the west side of the station. alderaan station was like a giant sphere.
Star Hopper chapter 16
Suddenly the station shuttered. bot hopped up on the window sill and watched as the trepidation came out of warp right in front of the station.
Day 39 10:02 AM 1/3/2023-Chapter 9-Fly Cloud
I finished fueling my truck and then i idled over to the car wash station. the station was running back up generators, so "the wash", was still working.
Chapter 11
The canimon nodded wildly, tearing away from her the second she released him, disappearing into the station as he dragged a fellow knight behind him.
Isi’s Story - Entry One
Isi walked briskly towards the station, and down into the underground terminal.
The Long Haul - Chapter 1
The levity would be short lived, however, as the station's foundation seemed to rock and tremble. claxon horns blared and a loudspeaker communication blasted out to the entire complex. "battle stations... battle stations... this is not a drill.
Chapter 3
They gained altitude causing other dew stations to suddenly all start popping into alarm.
The Artful Dodger
He spotted an arrowhead-shaped ship in the distance, lined up with the central hub of the station and beginning to match its rotation. a deep blue stream of light followed its engine as it inched agonizingly slowly toward the station.
Epicenter: Day 2 Part 1
Kaiden resume his walking to his next destination: the police station.
Giant's Leap (Agency's Endgame)
"closer to the station!" he told emily. salt didn't dare break the space station he needed for his plan. salt growled and swung at them, trying to swat between the other solar panels and habitats.
File #3
The interior of the station, took on a resemblance of a traditional city, with lights covering all four internal walls and a distinctive blue hue inside the station.