Loosening the Bonds

Memories of spike also flooded back to him. he remembered how ducky first met spike, and how spike helped save ducky from dil and ichy. spike was with them his entire life. and this is how his life ended, being turned into stone. what a way to die...

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Moving and Maneuvering

He noticed spike moving to the closet to gather clothing, as the lynx turned to the second laptop in the room and tapped rapidly on the keys.

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Spyros abilities

It was only when the wind and spikes stopped that he finally lowered his shield, his entire body achingly cold. spyro was back on his feet, crouching low.

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Gemini – Chapter 6: Clashing Opinions

"you see, i overheard what you and spike were saying." clovers eyes widened in fear. "accidentally, of course. but whist spike may know you as his best friend, i on the other hoof, do not.

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Born For Loyalty Chapter 9

Dash heard a yelp and she saw spike on the ground hiccuping. dash saw pinkie laughing her flank off and dash had to chuckle and even spike took in stride.


A Drop in the Pool

The massive metal spikes of iron and rust that pinned him to this wall started to creak.

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The Dark and the Light

With control over it, she stabbed a spike into his palm, which then grew to his arm, then his chest. before long, cimmerian was a pincushion of lightform spikes, dead without having every stood a real chance.


To The Third Power Chapter 2

Http://www.patreon.com/tygerwolfe what happened to spike's dog? what does this event have to do with natalie ending up with the nickname "spike"? become a patron today to find out!

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Second Sight: Chapter Ten: Nulline Metropolis

Either way, it didn't take me too long to impale the rest of the group with more spikes. i walked out of the warehouse, holding all of the spikes that i was able to recover from the fight.

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Vengeance Set 1 (1-5)

Spiral spike strike! both of his spikes glowed purple. he placed them together and started flying in place. then he began to spin. then he launched himself at renamon. she started to guard but he angled around at matt.

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My Little Pony: Equedia Ep.1 A New Arrival Pt.1

spike, blessed spike, had a good strong tea waiting for her when she emerged from her suite. the very same suite that had been celestia's home for more than one thousand years.

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Double Blind Monster

It started with the spikes on his back receding all at once before he started to watch the ground rush up towards him.

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