She Was His Pack
Friends who might talk now and then, and not friends who would spend late nights watching movies about spaceship battles. in my opinion, this was his greatest mistake.
Wind of Change: Chapter 43
We are going up there and help the three remaining spaceships. the ships will keep materializing, but we must give rose time. are you ready?" "let's go."
Sunset in Amistad. Chapter 1
After a slight turbulence when descending, the spaceship finally broke through the clouds of the upper atmosphere.
Rise of Red Comet Chapter 8, A Spherical Infiltration
He traveled up the stairs to the lab and said to the scientist passenger, "ya know, i'm thinking we could probably give them the ability to build their own spaceships. what do you think?" emily shrugged and said, "why not."
Hic Sunt Dracones
In the meantime, the irony of apparently being illegal aliens who had arrived in a spaceship hadn't been lost on anyone involved.
The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 7
The ship interior vanished into darkness, replaced with scenery of a big city where a group of unknown, possibly extinct, alien was fighting their enemies, a giant alien with the same spaceship dairyu saw when he ran from pascoforta.
"Timeless Wars" Ch.1-2
"data shows it's a small spaceship entering horizon, and it seems to be heading in our direction." i just looked at the object knowing there is something familiar about the small ship's design.
Work In Progress
Woulfe was helping his family with a brand new device, a time-space portal generator, it promised to open up space travel to the planet in ways that would make going by space ship old hat, not that anyone on the planet could fit in any kind of spaceship that
The Interpol Files: Full Moon Menace
"i'll say." agreed sly, still crouched on the tree branch, "i haven't seen someone so scared of a shiney object since murray mistoke that mylar balloon that got stuck to the van for a spaceship that was following us."
The Perception filter
Not even a spaceship, an u.f.o. or something like that. it was some kind of small, blue shed with windows and a lamp on the top. it didn't help that the words "police public call box" were written on it in bright white letters.
Ode to The Game
The elevator had glass walls so they could look out over the spaceships as they ascended into the coliseum. he took the far corner as patricia keyed in their destination. he ducked his head down against the glass to look at the gears starting to turn.
Space Mercinaries ch. 2 Alone
She stepped inside the spaceship and got comfortable. she reached over and lifted a metal pad next to the steering stick, there was a green button, and she pushed it, the ship came to life.