Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Peppermint
Delighted children sample and share, she wiggles her paws and plants anew. scrutinous gourmets pick and scorn, she blushes and retreats.
*Poem* Species Dysphoria I
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Teaser 5
He recently confided in me that he has found something abnormal in the cells of subject samples acquired from site meridian. further testing will, of course, be required to prove if these abnormalities are significant.
Fat Bear Week: Night of the Living Starches
As my pocket computer continued processing the sample, i slowly started walking backwards towards the road. at least i was until my boot brushed against something soft and squishy.
The Furry Cup
"we have to get a blood sample, dna, and a small skin sample," the doctor says, "nurse get the sleeping mask and his girlfriend." "he's my boyfriend and i'm not gonna sleep!" i say trying to bite the doctor.
Waiting for Alimere
Summoning her courage she sampled some of the stew and discovered the chef's warning was warranted. blaze felt her mouth begin to react to the intense heat as she tried to ignore the burning sensation on her tongue.
The Dragons of Smaller Dens
There is salt on the dragon's syringe, they will sample electric lozenges on scorpion countertops. the hatchling will look up from cave doodling. he will ask, "mother, must we hold on to the pumice?" she will stroke the scales of the bastard.
Chapter 19: Customs of Miran
Minetz picks up the sample and lays it on the pages of his book. "it's still way bigger than the ones in the book." they look at it together. "so what do you think comes next?" renno asks. "what do you mean?"
Taking on a New Life: Part Sixteen
I did not get the chance to sample the foods that i wanted to then. the infiltration did not go as well as it could..._ _ _ that was not something that adagio, however, was going to press.
D.E1 Chapter 78: Symbiotic Bond
"wait..." she said, comparing both samples over and over. silver was no medic, but it was clear that something was not right. "what am i looking for, red?" she asked. "should there be a difference on both samples?"
Luna and Thief, OI Ch 10
_is the sample contaminated? no... that's impossible; i got a fresh sample tonight! the blood doesn't make sense; it entirely contradicts itself in every sense of the word. **all of them do.
My big, shaking fingers have trouble getting out a test strip, and it's even harder to hold my hand steady enough to get a small blood sample off of it.