Rising Tide - Part 5 - STORY
"thanks, ruby." "from the sound of it i'm not so sure i did you a favor," she answered.
Chapter XII: E = MC2
Koji remembered the file, he realized that ruby knew what he really was, and that is why he wanted to capture him. ...
Chapter XIV: Truth, Night Two
Then again everyone else acted like one, the nuclear plant; nick ruby, the rise of the shargon, i've heard all of it." benji said as he laughed a bit and the two sharked a subtle moment.
Just Another Gay High School romance chapter 8
Will separated himself from coren's grip and dug around in his pockets, eventually pulling out a ruby necklace. "this if for you, babe. i saw the color, and it reminded me of you.
Angels and Demons
"rubi!" came a light whisper into maria and his ears. they looked at each other and then around to see where it was coming from. "rubi." "rubi." this time they heard two whispers. "they trying to save you danny." maria said softly to him. "but how?"
Murder at the Speed of Life. (Part 2) Death Drove a Pontiac
The last time gang-members had a shoot-out, it involved rubies and snake-like monsters from a parallel world known as _the abyss_."[\*in: "_cry me a murder__"_]. "i hope it's not about rubies?" i yanked the paper out of kat's hand, sweating profoundly.
Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 2
"sorry, ruby, but you have to do better than that." love heart chuckled. "alright," ruby tiger's tail twitched and she pounced again.
Falling for a lioness 2 revenge of the fallen part 44
" know silverdeath, and ruby, you know what you must do." nightshade said snaring at them. " yes mistress nightshade" both ruby and silverdeath said together bowing their heads. in respect to the queen, as the head off to the elphatant graveyard.
The Journal of Krystal
My daughter cassandra lived out her days as a famous rock star, naomi grew popular in the film buisness and was called upon for most movies, ruby grew to be an intelligent woman and began to manage her own buisness.
Journeys of Time 24
As by their newly formed tradition, akari had taken avril as the one he was making the dress or suit for, while julie ruby had talia to make pretty for the wedding.
The Petting Zoo Draft
They pause and talk to ruby the elephant to sate some curiosity. she uses her trunk to shake swanson's hand and he asks, "where did you get your transformation done?" ruby replies, "in miami." swanson nods and asks, "why an elephant?"
Always Me - Chapter 5
He said he held out two of the rubies and the family's eyes got wide.