Terran's Story

The two brothers headed home, and as zepher said, there were a couple of mud puddles on the way there... terran just splashed in them anyway.

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Ander - Chapter 8, Subchapter 7

The rest only served to cast deep, black shadows across the path like puddles of ink. "hello?" ander called. "anybody there?"

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K-495 chapter 4

Now he laid there, in a puddle of blood and brain matter, shot down by a coward, a traitor to the soviet union. "boris, we have to do something..." i said...

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The Saldean War: Prelude

The assassin's feet were making slightly muffled sounds, occasionally interrupted by a splash as his boots hit a puddle of water.

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Another Day of Class - Chapter 1 [Trade]

There were puddles on the ground that she stepped around as best she could while she walked over to the bus stop, eventually caused her socks to develop a cold, damp sensation.

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A Dino's Crisis 6 - Run Raptor Run

_ still no reply to his self-questioning as more blood began to ooze from him, a puddle soon turning into a river around him.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 135

They rained down in random profusion, shattering into wicked shards of flaming glass and spewing puddles of oil across the ground.

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[End] A Dose of Despair

Suddenly he liquified into a puddle on the ground. three red eyes in the puddle noted there had been a guard behind him with a baton. he shifted quickly; long tendrils shot out for the doctor's serum. they never quite reached.

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Leafblade - Chapter 1

They both landed with a resounding splash in a rather large puddle.

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Drops of Note, Soothed Evening (Otherwise Untitled)

~ a rapidly diminishing quantity of puddle followed in the wake of the kobold as the water dripped off of his form.

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Right Church, Back Pew (Otherwise Untitled)

A puddle of someone's blood had collected in the pew, during the faster half of the sermon, and the priest offered, "may i help you?"

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Zen Cookies.

I kneel down beside her chocolate puddles sticky on my feet. and say "the ice cream fell. it wasn't you --you can't make the ice cream stop melting. don't cry."
