Quiet of the Night

Simple pleasures drilled into me by the comradery of the blood fahrar where i was raised. simple pleasures made all the more richer by the memories i had with my old warband, as brief as they were. starlight twinkled.

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Llijah Teng Cuu Biography

He personally gives nobody the benefit of doubt, and takes great pleasure in making his victims suffering and anguish last as long as possible before ending their lives.


The Mysterious Dragonman - Chapter II

She lied in it, and sighed of pleasure when she felt the water hydrating her dried skin. "yeah, water !" she yelled. she rolled on her back, wetting her whole body in the process. "i was feeling to dry... well, i'll stay here.

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A Special Gift (Anthro Vaporeon TF/TG) [COMMISSON

It was far from annoying, and made the experience much more pleasurable. he was waiting if someone was going to ask him if he wanted to be carried to his room, they were that nice!

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Middle School: In the beginning

It was both painful and pleasurable with him on top of me. i heard laughter and looked up to see some girls from his group took pleasure in my predicament as i blushed in embarrassment. he only smiled as i gazed into his starry eyes.

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Last Minute Surprises

"with pleasure." "however, i don't really remember much of the place. do you mind if i follow you?" "no worries." _ **and both left the airport, hand in hand.** _

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 5

But once she feels it happening, it will dawn on her, and her eyes will widen and she'll gasp with pleasure.

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A Blast From the Past Ch. 3

pleasure to meet you kaga..." kaga blinked than slowly lifted his hand looking over to see his wife breast feeding his child, his daughter. it made him smile. soon he looked back to the doctor and said, "pleasures all mine..." "here..."

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.09: Revelations - Ep03

"il mio piacere, my pleasure! now, where's that lazy boy?" "here you go, boss," kensun arrived with the bouquet and handed it to bruno, who in turn handed it over to the kirin.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 5

But once she feels it happening, it will dawn on her, and her eyes will widen and she'll gasp with pleasure.

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Garage Visit

The pleasure of the engine rumbling in and the street rolling under his wheels was overwhelming.

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