The Primal Betreyal #02 WIP
"i bet, that these villagers don't like outlanders. or this guy is just an ass. at least he said me where i should go." after two minutes ardrehir reached the marked. it was almost completely empty. he noticed only one villager.
Nala's Venture: The Village
"i'm getting bored of hauling this empty-headed outlander around. i thought you could give her a lesson on what you do around here." uzuri raised an eyebrow, "assuming you _do_ do anything around here, right?"
Mixed Tale 7 - Dockside Pirates
The rat in the tricorne, also known as captain daggerblood, was one of the men of fortune that had been seen on the devil's leg, one of the many islands between the outlands and the empire's soil.
Nala's Venture: Enu the Priest
Enu took a few breaths to recover and said, "that is the temple, my darling outlander. let's go inside." enu led the way and nala again found herself following his tail and thick haunches.
The Future Diaries
As there is no oxygen out there in the outlands, i have to wear a special suit, which was made by a really old company, who once produced videogames and game consoles, also a game called "metroid" - i'm sure you know it!
The Wolves of Gryning: A Vixen's Tale Pt. III
"fire and flame, outlander! where has your patience gone?" jula bent over, taking deep breaths between her words. the stairs had unmasked the vixen's true age, and she hobbled over towards the desk.
Black-Winged Angels Chapter 10: Feather and Scales
They wanted to see her up close, as the first 'outlander' for over two thousand years. avila had been treated as a monster before, but this kind of treatment was new to her. was it because now they were equal?
Aberration, Part 4 - Received
Maybe "otherworldly" isn't so special to people on the holy worlds, but i'm an outlander and paliputra is the only place i've ever known. something as mundane as what a rock looks like is actually very special to me.
Tragedies Written Under a Midnight Sun - Chapter 2: Heartbeats and Heartstrings (A Sonic Fanfiction)
This is what outlanders call music?" frostfire gazed in awe at the fifty-something bodies standing before her that were dancing to the beat of the concert's music. shot stood next to her, totally oblivious to what she said.
Ozien's journey
-in azeroth, which is how the realm where i come from is called, we have built many portal that allow us to cross immense distance instantaneously, and in some cases, even cross between worlds, like to a place we called the outland via the dark portal.
The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 2
Remember them well, outlander! their names will appear often in my tale, and you must keep them in mind always, and remember them as if you were one of the wolves yourself. the holy seat was, as you know, in himmel. it had been for generations.
The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 5
Magic is for barbarians and outlanders in the ternish deserts, and in the mountains along the rim of the world. i serve the powers of the dark. the lord of the dead is my master, and my power is greater than any barbarian's magic.