Glossary/Author's Note

She is very detail oriented and her picture of nadirah, which i used for the cover, is overwhelmingly beautiful. she brought my girl to life. more of her artwork will be featured in the limited edition of the book.


De nuevo guerra... Capulo XIX

El sol iba saliendo en el oriente, lento, y como siempre, radiante, pero el conejo segu aferrado a la almohada... el segundo d m agotador de su vida (murmuraba dormido), tambi unos peques gemidos se escapaban de su hocico.

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Ledyba's Story - Chapter One

Ledyba are more scent-oriented than sound oriented. everybody knew who i was by my scent, and that was that. i was just another baby ledyba to keep fed and under control, so that one day i could join another swarm or help provide for this one.

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College Life: Chapter 5

They went to the same all you can eat oriental buffet as the time before. leo knew it wasn't solely chinese but he usually referred to any oriental all you can eat buffet as chinese, but diego knew what he meant anyway; he loved the buffet.

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Stood Up

Now i had to deal with orientation issues, too? "please..don't tell anyone..." "don't worry, i won't. your secret is safe with me...although, i never imagined that you would like it untill yesterday."


Righting himself in the upward orientation of the room, he pushed himself down to the floor and worked the gravity and light sliders.

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Odd Friends PT 1

I don't really care what your orientation is." he answered. i just stared stunned. this...this jock, does not care that i'm gay. i was shocked.

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The crystall skull - Short background history

Members of any orientation are accepted. the sect gatherings are believed to finalise in a mass orgy, though there are no certain reports about this.

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Grad-Bash Part 17

I didn't think it was possible, but as i kept reading all this stuff about what they did (which now i know to be false, but back then i had no idea), i decided to keep my orientation secret from my parents.

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From deep in the center of the ship, to the bridge, which like much of the rest of the redoubtable was oriented in a manner akin to a high-rise, the thrust provided gravity to all aboard. "exec, have the underway alarm sound.

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Character Bio - Aniro Sukuro

Sexual orientation: confused date of birth: 13th april current relationship status: lone wolf (single) occupation: unknown hobbies/pastimes: wandering over this world, some see him as a drifter, going from place to place and seeing the eyes of humanity

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[Character Profile] Seiryu-ou

»birthdate: april 1st »gender type: male »nickname(s): sei, ryu-ou »orientation: dominant (top) »occupation: keeper of the eastern throne ============================== **¤personality¤** ============================== »outlook: stoic »attitude

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