Odd Friends PT 1

Story by devsnake78 on SoFurry

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A gay romantic story if its not your thing, don't read it. Sorry if it sucks!

I kept my head down as I walked through the halls of Reghart highschool. My deep blue eyes stared blankly at the white tiled floor of the school. I was wearing a loose black tee-shit and a pair of blue/green cargo shorts. On my feet I had a pair of simple blue runners. Oh, I forgot to mention I'm a shark. Not the muscled sharks who make girls go crazy and other guys wish they were him. Nope. I'm the shark that has very little muscle and is so thin that some may think I'm anorexic or something. (Which I'm not! Just letting you know.) My skin is a sort of medium shade of blue with midnight blue stripes across it. On a final note I actually have hair! (On my head. And not THAT head. Idiots these days.) Anyways, I have dark blue hair that is never combed and is always messy. It's not that long either, it's quite short. By now you're probably sick of me, so I'll get on with the story. Oh. P.S. I'm openly gay, in grade 11, my names Lee Regison, and I'm shorter for my age. Not midget size, no offence to the little people, but just a bit shorter than average sized anthros.

So anyways, back to the story. I sighed as I saw a large cluster of people walking through the hallway. I tried to squeeze past them to get to the other side. I ended up in the centre of the group. I immediately tried to push through them, but I was pushed the opposite direction. So instead I tried slinking in between people. Success! I was free! I looked at my watch in horror as I realized that if I didn't book it, I'd be late for food/cooking class. I sprinted to get to room 204 and I was panting when I got there. I immediately slipped into my usual seat. By myself on the right side of the classroom by the back window. As the last student took her seat, class began. Ms. Ollibur, an owl of some sort started to do attendance when a large tiger quietly opened the door and stood in the entrance of the classroom. He was coloured exactly like, we'll, a tiger. He was wearing a plain red tee-shirt with tan shorts. On his feet were a pair of black sandals. He looked was taller than most of the students in this room. Also he had more muscle than all of the jocks in the school. Trust me on the second one.

"Thank you for joining us..." Ms. Ollibur paused, scanning her sheet for his name.

"Regan Evans." The tiger replied.

"Thank you. Please have a seat next to Lee here." I sighed. I had company. Of the jock kind. Wait. WHAT?! "Why the heck was a jock in cooking class?" I thought. After quickly finishing attendance, Ms. Ollibur started talking about pastas and noodles and sauces you can put on pastas and noodles etc. We were told to cook a batch of noodles and add an appropriate sauce to them. The sauce could have anything in it, and we could use anything in the room. If we didn't know any sauces, we could try to find one on the internet. I decided to do a simple Alfredo linguini sauce with chicken, diced tomatoes, grated cheese and chopped green onions. I had made it before and it was really good so I thought I'd try it again.

"Hey!" I looked around me and spotted Regan. "Hi!" He greeted me. Surprisingly, he was smiling at me. He motioned for me to come closer. I leaned over to talk to him. "Your Lee, right."

"Yeah, and?" I replied hurriedly.

"People have been telling me there's this gay kid in this school. Apparently it's you." He was obviously new.

"Well, that's the truth." I stated simply and went back to my cooking. I expected him to just ignore me or whisper FAG in my ear, but he surprised me with what he said next.

"Cool." My hand froze when I heard that. I turned to look at him when I heard that.

"You seriously think that's cool?" I asked him slowly.

"Yep. I don't really care what your orientation is." He answered. I just stared stunned. This...this jock, does not care that I'm gay. I was shocked.