Snow Dawgs. Chapter Five.
A large egg omelet with the works. bell peppers, green onions, cheese, baby tomatoes cut up and some leafy green thing i think was spinach. there was sausage and bacon on the side.
Like Son Part 2 - 2021
A distant light source from the kitchen where he enjoyed his last homecooked breakfast, even recalled it to be an omelette with bacon. though he snapped back to reality with a grumbling stomach, he went towards the kitchen.
Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 6: Defector
My cook makes an amazing omelet, and i have freshly made sausages to go with it." "that sounds delightful," luminara answered with a nod. "i am feeling quite peckish after such a restful sleep." romulus cast a look at a clock on the wall.
A Quick One While He Is Away
I think you call those things omelets?" "mmhm, that's what you call an egg dish of that composition. and that 'chicken box' is a chicken coop."
Pepper Remembers
She dumped the half-finished omelette on the floor. pepper used to beat up fire types for mocking her goals, and now when her own trainer told her she was an invalid she just lay down and accepted it.
Jenna's Story Ch. 2
"maybe i should come over more often, make you an omelette or something, jenna." jenna smiled brightly at him. "that sounds like a wonderful idea," she said. "aaand...ready!"
Springtide: The Quest for Draco's Gold
"sorry zeelo... for what it's worth i'll make sure no one tries to turn you into an omelet." the egg shook as if responding to that. it seemed zeelo was still alive inside the egg.
Jackie-The-Junior Blackmail
Jackie-the-junior chapter 9-blackmail due to the whirlwind of events and emotions yesterday, today after a nice breakfast of omelets, i'm at a loss for what to do. so shortly after, i find myself wandering outside into the driveway.
Queen to Be Thicc_ Second Draft
Belynda was no slouch when it came to the dinner table, but even her stamina was tested as she opened her mouth up to receive the twelfth pound of spicy, rosemary sausage hash, the fifteenth coffee cake, the eighteenth omelette and the twentieth liter of iced