Story Of My Life Part 7
**Kind of short, I know.** James walked through the front door for once instead of through the garage like he normally did. He set his ABU hat on the table and sat down at the kitchen table. Having heard him come in, Kitty came out from the Nursery...
The Story of My Life Part 4
The next few months were hectic for both Kitty and James. First, after James had finished the code, his Command Chief Master Sergeant had decided to promote him to a First Sergeant giving him more money to support his soon to be larger family, but also...
Project anti-xenomorph part 1
(( **DISCLAIMER: All credit goes to the makers of Aliens vs Predators** )) -I will say this now...this idea has been bugging me every sense I started reading the great AVP stories on sofurry, so this is the first part and if possible I would like for...
pokemon world (FINAL CHAPTER part 2)
{as the dark pokemon tried their best to hold back the many legends all they were doing was becoming easy targets to most of the legends while in the tomb Bamut shouted and struggled in pain while Dahaka in Bamuts father grinned at the pain he was...
spiritual world bs the world of the living {THE TRUTH}
{morning soon reached as Nina began to slowly wake up to see her body was fully healed and Bamut sitting against a tree with his arms crossed with his chained katana flouting in mid-air, its handle inches from Bamuts arms, the wind hollowing as both...
spiritual world vs world of the living {THE BATTLE}
{time went on as Bamut faced the sky and sighed hearing the sound of gunfire and chaos spread through out the world of the living while Bamut soon turned facing his stalker Nina who seems to have found an interesting partner only for him to sigh and...
spiritual world vs world of the living {THE BEGINNING}
((_merging something i like with another......... **B**** leach and another i sort of made**...just borrowing and making only three of these chapters...first one being somewhat as an intro, sencond chapter being a all out war, and the last being the...
pokemon world ((final chapter PART 1))
(Here it is the final chapter of pokemon world...the chapter Dahaka fights some of the legendaries...and enjoy) {time went by again as Bamut woke up and yawned looking down seeing Tina sleeping on his lap and looked to the side seeing...
pokemon world (PART FOUR)
{time went on as Bamut soon woke up to find himself in a hospital with Tina sitting on his lap and smiled softly only to slowly place his hand over her head and patted her head lgithyl causing Tina to yawn softly and slowly wake up seeing that Bamut...
pokemon world (PART THREE)
(Part this i will add in my own pokemon sense i do not own any of the pokemon i wrote previousily about and i do not own the name Dahaka, i am but borrowing its name for my stories, i am very poor so well i have nothing to offer but a ask of...
pokemon world ((PART TWO))
(well i guess ill be starting off the second like the first do comment with truthful comments) {the next day soon began as Bamut woke up and sat up with his eyes still closed as he stretched his arms out yawning softly feeling now...
pokemon world ((PART ONE))
{bamut asked as th riolu nods in delight and jumped up happily while tina then sat there and yawned while he looked outside seeing it to be night time while he then nods while he looked up up and layed back down falling asleep with tina asleep on