
(of course tips would be nice as well) would actually be appreciated ^\_^ enjoy \*\* the napa county airport was crowded and a little musky with everyone

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.09: Revelations - Ep02

The kirin watched in awe for a moment as panja's manly muscles bulged and flexed so flawlessly, with sparkling droplets of his musky sweats dripping along his ripped and sculpted upper body crevices, all over his bulky and hefty muscled chest and back.

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The Taste of Terror Chapter 2: Epilogue

The musky, exotic scent filled his nostrils, and he whimpered as a spike of terror hit his fragile mind. he didn't dare open his eyes. not yet.

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An oblivious friend: The begining of some fun

Despite his friend having showered, there was still a bit of heavy musk in there, causing him to blush just a bit.

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Glitch in the Neurotic Matrix

Like he forgot to shower or wear anti-musk deodorant that morning. he certainly didn't look like a marathon runner. "mr. leanderineedyourhelpdoyouknowwe'reinasimulation?

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Interval I: The Deal

The faint smells of musk... patches of snow lay all around, the forest wet and the air a shadowed dark shade of winter. it was time to get to work.

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And as she slid into unconsciousness, she felt a swath of soft fur, and smelt an overpowering smell of musk.

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Nightmane-Chapter 3

The unique scent of musky wild and the strange scent that i can't seem to place. a single thought formed in my head and brought a wide wolfish grin to my face. as my heart began to beat faster, i knew it to be true.


Ferocity Chapter one

Toggle was taking deep breaths, smelling the musk in the air, which made him wince all the more when the alcohol went by, while ichigo muttered to himself for a few minutes till he finally took a moment to think and ask...

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Can it get any worse?

I looked up to see a tall doberman looking down and asked me in a deep, musky voice, "are you lucky?" i answered back "yes th-that's me, what can i do for you officer?" "son, i do not know how to tell you this, but first, is your dad home?"


A bit of a story...

That, and i have a natural musk that surrounds me. i've been told it smells like wood smoke, honey, lemon, and....um...gingerbread. i can't smell it myself. they love to play with my ears and tail, much to my mixed annoyance and pleasure.


That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 7: Stuck Together No Matter What... (part 4)

"its ok pup." i aywned and closed my eyes sniffing his musk. "so does that still mean no sex?" i didnt awnser becuase i feel asleep i just gave a loud snore and nuzzled into him.

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