That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 7: Stuck Together No Matter What... (part 4)
#26 of That Gay Goth Dog
"whore, whore, whore. whore whore whore, whore bitch slut bitch skank." hayden sang as we walked down the hallway.
"hayden what are you doing?" i asked.
"im singing jingle bells... but namming the people i see insted of the words." he smiled and his ears shot foward. "hey leon." he called out leon looked back then quickly started running away.
"thats it hon hold this im going after him." i said then quickly sprinted doging the groups of people who were standing in the hall way.
when i got to him i grabed the tip of his tail making leon yelp loudly. "GET OFF ME YOU FAG!"
"not intill i know what the fuck your problum is." i yelled back into his face pinning him against a locker.
"GET OFF PRICK!" he yelled shoving my shoulder. i didnt move at all. a circle started to apear around us.
i leaned in and whisperd into the wolfs ear. "we are not done about this. come with me or i will cary you."
"ok thats how you want it to be." i said and thew him over my shoulder and started to run towards the dorms.
"LET ME GO FURFAG!" leon yelled hitting my back making me wince lightly but still did not feel any pain.
when we got to my dorm room i thew him onto the bed. "what is your problum dog."
"LEAVE ME ALONE YOU FUCKING TAILRAISER." he yelled and got up. i quickly shoved him back down making him yelp. if he was standing his tail would have been between his legs, his ears were pulled back submisivly as i looked down at him.
"tell me what is worng... are you gay..."
"yup your gay. just let it out."
"FUCK YOU JEREMY! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONG FAG!" i stormed out of the room doging storms attempt to throw me down again. 'FUCK! I AM NOT GAY... i am not gay. i am not.... storm looks cute wonder what he looks like nak- DAM IT!' i yelled in my ehad and slamed my head into the wall causing a loud thump.
"YO! leon are you ok?" hayden said running up to check to see if i was alright.
"dont tuch me fag." i said pushing him off of me so he landed on his tail. i got up and ran down the stairs and out to the building.
when i got out i leand against the brick wall out side the door. i slowly slid down and put my muzzle inbetween my knees. 'god this cant be happing. im not gay! though hayde-' "NO FUCK NO!" i screamed then slamed my head agianst the wall. i felt a paw stop my head before it hit the brick. hayden and jeremy sat beside me and put a paw on my knee.
"leon... we are stuck together no matter what.. jeremy wont leave you alone till he knows whats worng. granted it sucks... but just tell him." hayden said sadly.
"yeah. and if i dont know hayden will follow as well."
"also why be so scared to be gay... notice how must gays are happy?" hayden said.
"yeah... gay means happyness... hence why we got the name gay." jeremy smiled and looked over at hayden. "1.2.3"
"we're gay." they both smiled and chuckled looking around. i put my muzzle in between my knees and growled softly. they could tell it was a forced growl.
"ok wolf. if you want to talk we will be here for you. no matter what... but we have to go and do some recording. dont go banging your head into anything...." jeremy said and helped hayden up. as the walked off i couldnt help but stare at the tails. i smiled then putt my head down growrling at myself.
"hey hun.. when we were in the hallway.. and you skank... did you call me a skank?"
"NO! erm n-no not at all."
"hayden." i slight growled.
"noooo if anything im the skank.... ok we both are.. but its lovvveee!"
"thats it no sex for you."
"AWWEEEE COME ON!" he protested. i just shook my head and the rest of the ride was silent.
when we walked into the door of the recording stuido alex was warming up and eaved to us. "jeremy they need you in recording. drum tracks.. good luck bra!" i nodded then ran off. after about a hour of playing it was vocals.
"hayden, alex. you guys ready?" i asked they both nodded then i hit the record.
when alex sang the last line hayden and i fell over laughing as well as everyone else.
"HEY SHUT UP! I FORGOT THE LYRICS!" alex said into the mic.
"ok.ok ok ok TAKE 2 and record!"
alex yelled the last part making everyone fall down laughing again. we couldnt catch our breaths so i played it back. when alex heard him self scream in tune the last line he fell down laughing just as hard as we did. after about two and a half hours of doing vocal tracks we all walked to the brake room and got some thing to drink.
"you know.. i like the fuck-fuck-fuck-a-duck.... sounds... catchy...." marcus said.
"yeeeeaaaaahhh suuuurrreee... we will but that in another song.. for now lets call it a day!" dj said walking towrds the door.
"i agree." me and hayden both said. we said goodbye to the others and walked to haydens SUV. it was a short trip home. we slowly walked up the stairs to our room because we were so tired. when we got to our room we fell down onto the bed in each others arms.
"hon im sorry for calling you a skank." hayden whisperd nuzzling into me.
"its ok pup." i aywned and closed my eyes sniffing his musk.
"so does that still mean no sex?" i didnt awnser becuase i feel asleep i just gave a loud snore and nuzzled into him. "sure fall asleep now... ill get my payback ya wired shepherd." hayden said lightly then licked my ears and fell asleep.
ok sorry for spelling mistakes this didnt take the first time for some odd reaons.. so i sorta rushed though it XD sorry.
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