Thrown Back: Chapter 5

mark paused and swallowed. "we don't really hunt much anymore, most of things are farmed." "tell me about it?" the squirrel led her down a winding path and mark hesitated.

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Wonders of Post-Apocolyptia 2 - The Beginning and The End

Most of the writing was too faded to read, so mark decided to try and complete the words using the charcoal. mark spent about half an hour doing and re-doing each letter, satisfied that he's gotten the letters correct.

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New Years surprise

mark was sitting there watching tv and eating hospital food when sanchez came in. mark looked over at sanchez and smiled.

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My Story Ch1

mark said "hell, he always used to give us crap about being gay".adam said to mark "go let you're boyfriend know we're here and we're ready to go." i said "okay, i'll be quick." mark said then he went up to the house.

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Zombie Apocalypse: Chapter Two

"mark, i think i can see blood-tail" henry whispered. mark looked over the edge, and quickly spotted red squatting behind an old dumpster about 150ft away. "at least we know he's alive" mark whispered back.

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Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 15

She was very worried, and he knew it was about mark. he was too, to be honest. after he had fixed things up with him after the shooting, the fox though of mark as a close friend.

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Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 10

Even mark and nathan, who were already part of that team, were dead serious now.

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A simple story I ( 20/22 )

And ed's too. » mark wanted to continue, but he could not speak. gruff had heard the answer, but he did not understood. mark held between his fingers a sheet for him. gruff looked at it, took it.

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Tangles - chapter1: Wait, Who are You Again?

At the end eric brought aaron back to mark as he promised and began packing up for home. "so did your day go ok?" mark asked aaron.

Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 5

I'm mark rhesus, nice to meet you. - likewise!

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What are Candus pt. 1: Apperance

There are some that have a outline of the cross or even and x mark on the nose instead. tail patterns can vary from triangles to stripes, x marks to mixed markings.

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