Fenris' Inferno Chapter 3: Initiation

And as always, be on the lookout for my lawyer, the ghost of johnny cochran, for he will always be looking for you. \>:3_ adrian and stephen were led to a white van by the mysterious man that showed up in front of their dorm room earlier.

In His Mind

"here's johnny!" steel popped up, knocking the grim reaper back, "what? no laughs?" the ladies were just about in tears, while the vampire was ready to defend himself, "steel, welcome back." the grim reaper was the first to smile.

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A Romantic Night

"hey, johnny. is your sister there? i gots a question for her. thanks. hey, marcy. could you do a favor for me? i want you to take rachel out for a little while tomorrow. i have a surprise for her, but i need some time to set it up. you will?

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The Newland Chronicals: Mother

Blackbird, red-eyed bill, johnny jackrabbit... so on. i hear there is a new one out on the seas, right now, off in distance seas, plotting his next devilish scheme; he claims that he's going to bring back the piracy trade."

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A Journey Begun - Prologue - Chapter 2

Where your only friends are named prozac and johnny walker, and the only times you see them are when you're slumped in bed, hoping for a reprieve from the madness as the room spins around you like a roulette wheel.

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Night of Tales

She is pregnant with johnny's baby, i hope she'll be a good mother but i think she might be thinking of aspiring to have a wealthy life."

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Characters Tailor-made For the Plot

- johnny depp as icabod crane from sleepy hollow when building characters always remember: **the end _of the story_, justifies the means _to get there_.** **exercising your experience without becoming your characters.** story is nothing without


Quiet lives, peaceful lives

Tabitha changed the channel "this is johnny smokes, coming at you with the best offer you can find!

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Eternal Instant of Darkness, Chapter I: At the ocean's mercy

"i say looks like good old johnny wants some company. do your chores, azay. we have this boy to keep floating."

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Shadow and Troy Epilogue: Second Chances

johnny, the one who's truck shadow had taken, was gone according to the officers. the same was true of joey, shane and zachary.

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029 - Prime pt.12

If johnny dude cunt called me it, i would tear his eyes out innit? sawyer gives a "right! oh you so get it" with her face lighting up. feeling it surreal that she can not only finally vocalise these thoughts, but have them echo back.

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Eight

"you look as pale as johnny depp did in edward scissorhands," stacey said, bringing me back to the present. she paused. "that's a tim--" "i know," i cut her off, more sharply than i meant to. "actually, i think i'm going to walk home today."

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