Tropical Revised - Chapter Four
Both of them were obviously infatuated with each other. "i thought cheetahs were rare in this school but i've seen even less otters." "we're the only two," said cloud. "or so i'm told.
Set Me Free ch 2
infatuation? racked with indecision, i looked up to find that i was back home again, my feet having carried me around the usual walk without me really noticing it. i went back inside, gave ten her supper, and then took a quick shower.
Plus this way she could at least keep an eye on that little troublemaker ester had managed to become so infatuated with. hell she might even scare the girl into behaving a bit more.
The Sanguine Prince: Chapter Four
Yet the dragoness, just like the other two, were seemingly infatuated, more so than simply looking at her with loyalty to their captain. she blinked, cocking her head as her eyes passed to each of them.
Downtime - Ch. 2 (MHO)
While his infatuation had temporarily conquered his other thoughts, his repulsion to the idea of what he was trying to do began making a comeback.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 14
One glance alone was enough to understand it all, he instantly knew why danox got infatuated by the girl. there was a day when he also knew a girl with eyes like that, nothing remained of her now but a broken shell.
Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 11
"i'll never understand the infatuation you and magellan have for that wild." chase looks back to him that not how the situation was at all.
Eye Opening
He just embodied confidence and sal was hopelessly infatuated with him. sal released a more subdued sigh. ``that one wasn't from boredom.'' chandler glanced sideways at sal raising an eyebrow. ``yes, it was.''
A hero's spiral, part 1
There had always been a part of her that was infatuated with super villains and the fact they ignored the rules and took what they wanted.
The Cube
Greyson accepted his invitation to dinner -- admittedly, josiah thought, without explaining his infatuation. josiah, with the help of josiah, managed to finish more work in one day than any head of department previous.
Chapter 9: New Understanding
"he's completely infatuated!" cynthia proclaimed. "how could he not be?" "he thought i was going to eat him a couple weeks ago," flora argued. "he might just be curious to learn more about the first predator he's ever felt safe with."
Will You Serve
The adolescent pup in me returned, but not for the "naughty bits"; it was the sense of the crush, that ancient impulse of infatuation, except that this one had more behind it than mere imagination.