
I say in as flat a tone i can manage, shaking my head as i lean against the door frame, not stepping one inch out to give the impression i care speak to him, or one inch back to make him think i'd invite him in. "it's a good one this time..."

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Lysithea's Journey

I was tired of the ongoing inching of the sun warriors. the last thing i heard from the capital was that: _these solar bastards have inched over by the cearulean clan's territory.

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Moon TIde: Chapter 1

It's feet were those of a canine, when standing on it's rear paws, though it's hands were more human in shape, and could have passed as such, if not for the inch long claws protruding from each finger.

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But it wasn't possible to hide, the snow was coming down from every angle in an angry blizzard, piling inches of snow down on the surrounding trees and buildings.

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Post-op images

A half hour of jazz, nine hours of sleep, a scant second of perspective, and i can only traverse in one direction it is eleven inches between who i was and who i am.


Everwinter Ch29: Plots of Intrigue

Clyde inched back and his ears lowered a little, "you just need to shield me. i can be of use, avery." "do you how to sneak around?" i inched closer and whispered. clyde's smile grew into a feral grin, "there's a kind of beast in the wastes.

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Secrets Ch. 3

The claws on each of my fingers lengthen to over three inches and become razor sharp, curved talons, able to cut through bone just as easy as paper. as my arms are changing, so do my legs. my thighs increase in size considerably.

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Pokemorph Virus: Fortree

She sped up again until she was floating just a few inches behind him. almost there... he came skidding around a second corner, and then all of a sudden he had crashed into... nothing.

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Murder at the Speed of Life. (Part 4) The Wolf who Cried Boy.

Quinn slid an angled razor blade into the groove right of the third tumbler and watched it sink in, one eighth of an inch before it met resistance.

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He could see his perspective inch higher with every second. looking at the stones of the parapet in front of him vardin estimated he'd grown a full four inches.

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Juryokine: Chapter Twelve

_ **next time:** obviously, that didn't go nearly as well as zashiel had hoped, and now she and toke are both beaten within an inch of their lives.

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The Patchwork Soldier Part VIII

A magrifle lay just a few inches beyond my grasp; i reached for it, straining against the stiffened nanofiber. one of my finger-claws brushed the weapon's stock. just a few...more...inches... the lunatank's capacitates discharged.

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