Museum Killers

They were clean about the cleaning with tarps and supplies but the body needed to be dismembered inside the museum so it at least saw some of the bloody action that is implied from the stories on the placards.

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The First Tome. The Tome of Dark Alexander

So lets say that this were all true,that the goddess of light and god of darkness are indeed alexander's true parents and that valixai was alexander's great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great grandfather , this would imply that alexander is the heir

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Hunting Death- Rophan Returns

"i've been looking all over for you," rophan exclaims, gesturing his arms wildly and with a look that implies he hasn't really been sleeping well lately. "where did you go?

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But he was still selfish, and klothys despised him fulgently but so quickly as to not even imply her existence to him. klothys had no eyes because she trusted in what was intended and therefore did not need to see at all.

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A furr at Freddy's (night 2)

I'm not implying that. also, check on the curtain in pirate cove from time to time. the character in there seems unique in that he becomes more active if the cameras remain off for long periods of time. i guess he doesn't like being watched.


Unlikely Alliance Chapter 12

It doesn't take all that long from where we start walking again before the device chimes up again, implying that it is now caleb's turn to try and fight something from this place.

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Rose- Back to the Start

All this implies that i must have fallen asleep at the mission, and put me to bed after going through the process of undressing me and putting me in one of my nightshirts.

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Beware of cougars CH1 Pt2

That implies. i'm not going to tell you. meanwhile on the northern continent lady sasha second-in-command to jack in force seven. is listening to one of her informants explain some of the information that he has relayed to others in the net.

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Solomon Talks: On The Subject of Diet

As the names imply, these two groups are differentiated based on the general desire for meat consumption.

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Macro Training Camp

Macro training camp by: blobskin contains: mlp, implied macro, realism version: 2 --- the classroom was sorta nice. the air was dry and it was a few degrees too warm, but otherwise it was a nice large classroom.

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Just Once: The First Morning

It makes even more sense than the phrasing implies. -willem and taurin" so there are hidden notes around here...unless there's just this one albus thought.

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