The Orphans Among Us Chapter One A Unexpected Adoption

April 5, 2000 it is snowing outside as i run trying to outpace the gunner

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Guardians: Chapter one

"you want me to ask sain, who is, by the way, our most heavily armed gunner out in the field, for a date!?" vance didn't respond his grin just got wider. "do you know what she did to the last guy who asked her for a date?" alyx asked.

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Zootopia: First Salvo Part 10

Order to all gunners. stand by. eight inch guns will fire first. one round on command, follow on rounds if required." "aye aye sir!" the boatswain replied as he turned to his speaker. "attention all gunners! attention all gunners! stand by!

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.2

"that's some precision work their gunner has. barely even scored the hull." lupine's voice came over the intercom again. "if they're only disarming us that would suggest they want to capture us rather than kill.

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Anthropomorphic GeneSplice Subject X-203

A gunner stuck out of the top of the vehicle like and bad thumb, and shouted something, but he didn't hear what. he turned, his new aspect of time made him feel like he was pulling his limbs through molasses or tar as he moved.

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Warmth In The Trenches

Ten years of age and no idiot, jaeger knew that streaking so boldly across the corpse-littered no man's land, or crawling desperately between one trench and the next... each time, his life depended on the attentiveness or mercy of an enemy machine-gunner.

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End Of Our Worlds? Not today Chapter 15

Oswald scans the battlefield for any potential danger or opportunity to help a fellow fighter, gunner or mage. the whole plain is a mess, spells of any kind are flying around the place, some hitting their marks, some missing completely.

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End Of Our Worlds? Not today Chapter 08

A three thousand army composed of mages, swordsmen and gunners are going tomorrow. they want to act now and surprise, scrooge is financing everything." "uncle scrooge?"

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The War Chapter 4: War at Sea pt3; Escape

Of course, the 'escaping the ship' bit depended upon the attention span of the goliath's gunners. a groan broke the tension, and the sergeant looked down.


The Bridge Of Cologne prt. 2

It'll be faster with two gunners." "thank you! i'm looking for someone, private dion, a half neko." the lion looked over his shoulder, thinking for a moment. "i think i saw one over by the over-turned tanker..."

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Wasteland Survivor – War - ch33

I turned to the gunner in the truck beside me, shouting to be heard over the guns, "greves, sir! how you doing on ammo?" he grinned back, "good private, and you?" he was just understandable over the guns roar.

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Wasteland Survivor - Recovery - ch22

The private in the gunner's seat yelled. i peered out the back closed back door, a huge, easily forty feet tall, semi-transparent elf was marching from the direction of the temple. i growled and punched the door release. "sss, sir?"

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