All People Great and Small | Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Where the little known fact that purple lions' manes taste like cotton candy is revealed "Gansa! Gansa!" the giantess chuckled as the purple lion threw himself on top of her, subsequently knocking Star from her shoulder, and began to...
Pizza Makes Things Great
At first, john was worried she would choke, but seeing how she reacted his demeanor changed from worried to persuasive, practically forcing the next box into her hands while she was focused on the one she was already eating from.
A Messy Situation - Part 2 [Comm]
Although not the worst flavor, the food certainly had an odd aftertaste as he was force fed spoonful after spoonful of baby food.
A Messy Situation [Comm]
He squirmed but no longer struggled as much as he did previously, untying the pacifier gag from him harold promptly inserted the nipple of the bottle into the unwilling maw of angelo who, once again, was forced to drink from a baby bottle until his stomach
The Cult of the Moth
Darkness. A soft drone of the earth. Candlelight dots what appears to be a large, cave-like room. Intricate woven patterns of rusted and bronze fabric find themselves hung from the rocky walls and ceiling. And stood within were what appeared to be tens...
Chapter 10: Awakened
Ability is to enforce kinetic energy to an object, forcing it to move again. yes, this ability does not work to something that's initially stops because it only manipulates kinetic energy, which can force one moving object to stop and move it again.
Prologue to Alvinism- The Chronicles of Alvin Aber
You force me..." "yeah, she forces us alvin," one of alvin's cloaked companion said and alvin recognized the voice as wovelmlos.
How to Make a Huscoon
**How to Make a Huscoon** By Lykanos Wulfheart Sam stuffed his umpiring gear into the duffle bag on the dugout bench. The softball game had gone a lot longer than expected, so the cooling dusk was a nice change from the dry, windless sunlight. He...
Hot Air Balloon
Those scales fading to a deep purple as the grinding doors started to close once again, soon going through the device and forcing the cryo to take the full force of the river!
Duty Chapter 20: Crossroads of Crisis
He forces reis to stay behind at the barrel of a gun. chapter twenty: crossroads of crisis sirens echoed off the walls. a fire alarm wailed from inside the school. helicopter blades hummed from above.
Best In Show
His toes ached, trapped in his shoes, so he forced them off, canine claws ripping through his socks. a strand of black and brown slunk out between his clothes, the tail forming as he fell to his altered hands and feet.
Witchcraft and Wings
The box was pushed, but not in the way she had hoped, her dew claw unwilling to aid her. "oh, come on!" suddenly nervous of potential onlookers, she forced her claws into the gap of the lid, pulling the top box inside.