Snake Eye - Under The Influence
#2 of snake eye detective services here's another bit of snake eye! i have a number of stories in mind for this, and i'm really hoping i can find the time to weave them!
Ch 8 Eyes of a Child
After a few moments she looked up into his eyes and pleadingly asked with fresh tears starting to fill her eyes "please, cant you let m-me see m-my dad?"
Blink of an Eye chapter 2
Tal's eyes swelled with tears as many of them did prick and lance his flesh and one jabbing his thigh squarely as he pulled away, where he vanished into the brush.
Blink of an Eye Chapter 1
A one eyed marauder chided him and stepped forward, being so bold and brash as to sheath his own saber to fight him bear handed. toral, lunged forward snarling as a wild leopard.
Swirly Eyes and Sugarcubes [Comm]
Ollie's eyes remained wide open as ms. marbles nodded solemnly, an amused twinkle gathering in her eye as she noted the little lamb's reaction. "so, now that you know that you don't have to feel so bad about having one.
Eyes on the Mountains: Chapter 1
#1 of eyes on the mountain chapter one of my mystery story. the smell of pine blanketed the clearing. the cool air was quite as the early morning sun began to rise in the sky.
her eyes, a predator. a dream
With grey back and pale belly, defiant mouth now armed with an army of teeth, slices of gill where her neck should have been shorn, from below she eyed them all with her predator's eyes, dark as coal.
Diamond in my eye 1
It's deadly blade met her eyes sharply before the masked killers stride stepped quicker.
Snake Eye - The Key To The Mystery
In snake eye.
Bleeding Fire: Burning Hearts
"i dont think so either, this place is well hidden," she grinned at me her emerald eyes glittering again, "now i'd like to see something." "what would that be?" i covered my crotch area in case thats what she meant.
Bleeding Fire: Burning Light
Kira turned her face up to the sun, her eyes closed as if she had slipped back into sleep again. by the position of the sun i would have guessed it was about three in the afternoon.
Bleeding Fire
"just goes to show you, dont mess with the bloody eyed wolf." i yelled out to no one about my nickname i had made myself because of a small ring of red fur that grew around my eye area.