Embertooth - Chapter 10: Convictions

And stop all the tortures, the enslavements and the horror. there is not a single day i don't think about it.' 'hah!' nihil exclaimed, his muzzle curving into a bitter, sarcastic smile. 'those are only words.

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Chapter 6

Cid got himself passed around while he was enslaved at hammurabi's palace and i'm the one who's called gay? seriously, that guy's hardcore. he took on two giraffes at once, and let me tell you, it's a wonder that's not what killed him."

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Dragonstone Magical Adventures prologue.

This evil master began his plans for his dark conquest, by creating monsters to do his bidding, all sent out to slay anyone who opposed him, and enslaving others.

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Eilistraee (Kreet - 39)

They'll castrate him and enslave him for life." "yes, they will. but i have a feeling that may not be an undeserved fate for this man. he has the blood of many on his hands, and many were not deserved." "i think he can be... changed."

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Arc 1 - Ephraim - 5: The New Life

A child who could be raised to help protect this village from those who would enslave or eat its inhabitants, a child who would be well cared for and protected until he was old enough and powerful enough to stand on his own.

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The Sudden Strike

It was his life-long dream to enslave the great valley and make it the second fortress valley. it would be another sharptooths' paradise! "sharpteeth are the true masters." he had said once. his father had taught him well.

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Boud into fact Chapter 2.

While you've obviously collected that the surans must send their children away to be enslaved, you must be wondering exactly what i mean, or why this has any importance... well, i will keep this bit of history breif, for it bores me so.

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Valkyrie - Book 2 - Chapter 1 - Night (Re-edited and Reworked)

Terra had remained enslaved... what had once been a green, lush planet with beautiful forests and mountains had been turned into a desolate, windy wasteland. it was scarred from the asgard mining.

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Chapter 22: You're Welcome

"strong magic practitioners are abducted all the time, murdered by rival tribes, enslaved. these things are explained to you by the village council when you start your apprenticeship. so going in, you know you might not live a normal lifespan."

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Chapter 35: Breaking News

My ancestors wanted to enslave the shemales who lived with them as equals in all'vidawn._ "shemales lived in the old kingdom?" tala said in a hushed voice. _yes. the foxes wanted them to care for the crystals and guard them from harm.

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Pixel Shift - Chapter 4

She dropped his handshake and turned to look at zeldren, "the others who ended up with me. . . we never found a good place to hide, and the imperials picked us off one by one, i'm the only one that i know of who got enslaved, though i did escape, the other

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File #16

This act of barbarism turned the iconians into a brutal race as they turned their society towards war and reclaiming their lost empire, culminating with the war between the major alpha quadrant powers and their "servitor races" which they had enslaved.

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