The Mayor of Congruence and The Baroness of the Opera House

They found a documentary on opera to watch, an appropriate ending for the trip. "you know," tally mentioned halfway through. "i'm not really that interested in the opera." "i gathered," tea chuckled. tally laughed as well.

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Zootopia: First Salvo chapter 13

Even the stunt deer had problems with the ice scene, he broke a leg, i saw the film making documentary." hashina suddenly snapped out...."hey! i think i have a floundering boat ahead of us!" linowain replied...."where?"

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Tales from the BellHunterVerse Ch2

"from what dem documentaries and da resoiche told mes, elevated levels of cortisol, testasterone and adrenalin' are key factors in makin' a nite howla diagnosis." the hyena admitted reluctantly.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 31

"there is a small community of nomadic sand-based eastern draconians in mangala, at least that's what i learn from documentaries about them.

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San Francisco's Finest (Act1, Book1, Chapter10)

The whole world spoke of it; they still do - there's documentaries and stuff." sinopa glanced at her boyfriend. she canted her head back to the teenage-looking girl. "when was your battle, ms. howard?" "well, that depends on the calendar you're using.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 1.1 - The City That Never Sleeps

They kept drinking and watching the rolling news feed before it changed programmes to a documentary about the english steel industry.

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Outcast - Chapter 7

All the documentaries and news reports my father and grandfather would watch on the telescreen told me that once you were part of a gang, that became your life. you lived and died by the laws of the gang, nothing else.

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A Different Path: Chapter 2

In the documentary, she saw that the delineations between different regions of the city had initially been predicated on whether an animal were considered prey or predator rather than strictly based on animals' climatic and environmental necessities.

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Zootopia: Brave New World - Problem in Tundratown

documentary about the history of the development of the first predator/prey community. culinary show named 'wild ovens'. kids cartoon about teenagers stopping an alien lizard from taking the world and changing the population into mindless servants.

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YEEN! QUEEN! (Tame Version)

Hundreds of delicate filaments growing on his skin, looking like a time-lapse shot of growing grass in a nature documentary. soon there was enough to form a patch of tawny-- "fur?"

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One Thousand Snakes

To date, the federal government has not yet given the arkhamers any leeway, but i suspect that's why they want to get this war over and done with; so the arkhamers can sift through the wreckage, get their damned documentaries and scientific research, and finally

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Loved For Your Own Weight

He stopped at a sports channel, watching a few minutes of a random basketball game before getting bored and changing over to a documentary on obesity.

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