Hypnovember Day 8 - Forest

A sweet smell in fact, a smell that implied this wolf's diet was comprised more of fruit than anything else. "you okay there, li'l goalie?" the wolf asked. "uh... i guess so?" lager laughed. "i'm just.... i kinda lost track of time..."

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After the Bombs

She had a very nice body, having had to excercise and diet unwillingly, but it wasn't like anyone would see her anyway. she wore thick boots on her feet at all times, and a pair or scratched goggles on her forehead.

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Origin: Ty

I went to the gym six days a week, trained in the arena whenever it was open for free battling, took protein and carbos supplements three days a week, and kept myself on a strict diet throughout my entire time in high school.

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Kage's Camping Trip 5

After everything calmed from the small panic, the small fox stayed on kage's lap by the warmth of the fire while tanker explained a few things about the animal's usual diet and why she might have been so close into the camp.

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You Break It, You Cursed By It

And he was pretty sure the family was getting the idea and his diet would be a lot less crunchy soon. despite his mostly human body, drake never tried to find clothes again. he did wear exactly one item.

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To A Human World

If you have a really shitty diet your hoof can become soft and break easily, but you'd have to eat reaaally shitty for that to happen. i have a good diet so my hooves are diamonds! it took about a week to complete the change from foot to hoof.

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Watching a Movie

I bought a normal box of pepperoni pizza and a 2-litre bottle of diet soda. luke agreed to share the drink and pizza but also bought himself a bottle of water and a small pack of sandwiches.

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Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 5

"i have a few menus you can use to eat a balanced diet," coach salt said. "i'll be sure to give you one.

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Timber & Arctic CH2

He took a can of lemon-flavored diet soda from the small refrigerator and picked up another one for hunter. "i knew it he was off." he said. "what's wrong?" hunter opened his lemon diet soda can and take a sip and took a seat on the couch with sol.

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 6: Soul Burn

Trying to replace a diet with them could lead to a dragon's heart shutting down after only a few days of living off them. they needed food, just the same as anyone else.

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The Adventures of Mike Stormwolf, in Equestria

Used as a manufacturing point, for making things like cerial and other things, that the ponies have come to enjoy that were popular in our world..well with the exception of meat, naturally over here, you learn how to eat a much more fruit and veggie filled diet

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Those two dishes seemed to make up 98% of their diet. it was all variations of both of these dishes that made things diverse; any one bistro would have between sixty and seventy different varieties of both.

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