Opossum Time-Reversal
Mina burst out laughing, clutching her sides desperately. "oh osmund, you're so funny, every single time!"
Bai Leang - The Jade Warrior
Bai lay her on the floor and desperately tried to resuscitate her. "my love! wake up!" he shook her to try get a response. "please wake up!" a desperate fox put his ear to her chest and heard nothing.... nor breathing, no heartbeat. "no...."
Dragon Flame Pain
So he rocked back and forth, his body desperately wanting to clench itself up, but not being able to without causing more of it to come in contact with the flames.
Playing God Part 6: Unfinished Business (Vore)
My, the things one does in the fevered haze of true desperation. but it had _worked_. since that moment he'd found every thought consumed with desperate longing.
My stomach twisted and turned, desperate for food, desperate for water, desperate for home. i wanted to go home.
The End: Chapter 6: Fairytale
Hell, i didn't even know if i would even be able to find the words that i searched so desperately to find inside my head if i did decide to open my mouth.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 152
Bethany reached for him, even though he was still so far away, desperate to touch him, desperate to make sure he was okay, desperate to feel the comfort of his embrace in turn, but she couldn't get up.
Darkness and Starlight 16 - Disaster On a Clear Day
Holding klair tight, he reached towards room 210, after parting many crowds with furious roars and desperate insults through flooded hallways on every deck.
Darkness and Starlight 24 - Love and Hate Collide
The darkness began swarming, and scissoraptor found himself left with one desperate option. a darkness soon came towards him, rushing violently with a guttural roar.
Little Wolf, Big Ordeal CH. 3
Kicking his legs this way and that, he tried desperately to keep his head above the surface. the air got knocked out of his lungs when he scraped against a rock. he swallowed a muzzlefull of water.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 25
"(i can't say he's desperate, though. unless...unless he knew whatever we do won't matter to him)."
A Story for Dogs
The retriever desperately needed to get inside, a desperation which grew stronger and louder each minute but lacking the opposable thumbs to open the door, he could only hope to find what little shade remained in that backyard.