Ch3 Guardian of Tela'Vel

When averin arrived bodemair waved him to the centre of the crowed to sit with him. he skimmed past the people who stared at him with glowing eyes. he sat down and the crowed progressed into loud talk.

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They were a famous family of crows, who had made the original investment into colonizing yu, the smaller of the two moons that circled the world. one of the crows presented him with a small box. "this heirloom has been in our family for generations.


The Noble and the Thief

The crow was witty and a constant thorn to the guards.

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Cowboy's Dawn

crow" the fox replied. the coyote just froze, as he heard that name. there was a small chuckle as he turned to stare at the fox again. "excuse me, ma'am?" "yes mr. jack crow, i know who you are. you're mr.

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Freebird: Childhood: Chapter 2: Happy Birthday!

As crow turned to leave, ann grabbed his ear. "and what." she said menacingly, "does sparrow need painted?" ann always thought crow was trouble and was always out to course it. when crow wouldn't reply she twisted his ear, causing him to yelp.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.05: A Kirin's Origin - Ep01

I'm just not cut out for this," he grumbled, standing next to the crow and clutching his crossed arms irritably. "patience, megalo. patience," the coated crow replied composedly, still looking through his binoculars.

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Sing In Me, Holy One, and Through Me

"ah can handle doin both, doctah," the crow finished her drink in a single gulp, poured a second, and approached like a late autumn mist gliding out of a riverbed.

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The Ghost

Behind him was a crow who went by grimms. he was their seer. all he had on him was a deck of playing cards(all aces) and a couple blank polaroids. the two were in tailored suits.

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Blackness O Thy Wings

They start to shoot again, as i fire a blast from my pump-action mossberg, killing the crow and fragging the others. "today you see me crash and burn, but i'll be back tomorrow!"

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The Legend of Captains Thod and Riva ((Prologue and chapter one))

He shouted from the crow's nest, taking up a rope. as the ships where drawn up broadside to broadside, grapple hooks where thrown, their steely teeth biting into the soft wood.

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Chapter 1: The Many Daughters of Summer

"those of the crow . . ." naira raised her head and her green eyes about popped. tala didn't blame her: the crow tribe was very far away. "daddy!" naira squeaked wretchedly. iniwa held out a paw to calm her.

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