Ch3 Guardian of Tela'Vel

Story by Drakkin on SoFurry

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Averin is now faced with an interesting situation. My third chapter ^=^ quite short

Averin crouched low, her sword was fast in her hand and movements so lithe and graceful he felt distracted every once in a while.

Felic planted her makeshift sword upon his chest a minute later "you're very good! She laughed, "For a human!"

"I don't beat you"

She shrugged "I don't think you can. Drak-Kin are renowned for their superior swordsmanship.

He grunted and sat down next to Bodemair who was watching cross-legged on the grass before them. He placed a hand on his shoulder.

Averin appreciated his friendship. Oddly enough, he felt as if he now needed it. He never had a good family or home; it seemed all this provided it. He reckoned it was the only real reason why he stayed to train as a guardian even though, quite honestly, it was almost of no interest to him.

But then again, he hated wars against races that could live together.

"You are very good, Averin. In my days as a trainer I would consider your talent. Where you best with your fellow humans"

Averin shook his head "I cannot become anything greater than a foot soldier due to my bloodline. I can never prove my worth"

Bodemair folded his ears back in disgust "Such a waste"

Felic stood in front of him and presented a hand to which he took and she helped him up. They departed from the large green field between all other Drak-Kin and Balerin as well as a few feline typed people known as the Feline-kin.

All looked at him with many mixed emotions as they walked through with the princess Felic. She giggled at Averins discomfort and fanned her wings. Battering the onlookers and slowly curved one around him as if to say she was there for him, he needn't worry. He smiled at her.

They finally came across a crowd of people.

Felic looked around "Oh! This would be my father coming to meet you"

Averin gulped slowly. Goreth was heard to be a bit sour about their guardian being a human. That is why he was here.

He stood 7ft 8 and was a brilliant sapphire. Averin understood where Felic got her demeanour and stature. The king took great thumping steps. He casted his ice blue eyes upon the human and fanned his wings with mixed emotions of shock, fury and anticipation for a guardian.

Averin felt small when Goreth stopped and stared down at him. All was quiet. Everybody crowded round to see what would be done about him.

Averin instinctively bowed. Everyone murmured him themselves.

He shuddered as his great voice rumbled "What are you doing?"

Behind him, Averin could hear Bodemair clear his throat and say "Humans do this to show respect for their higher class"

Had he offended the king? A moment later he winced as the king shifted but was surprised to hear him laugh, a hearty and passionate laugh. Averin felt two scaly hands grab him by the shoulders and hoist him into the air to where the king could see him eye to eye.

He blew his great nostrils at him, a puff of smoke made his eyes smart.

"My!" announced the king "You humans are funny looking things, eh?"

Averin squirmed in his grip. Now uncomfortable and confused at what the massive Drak-Kin was doing. He was then suddenly dropped to his feet, the left clawed hand rested heavily on his shoulder as the king said "Welcome to Tela'Vel, Human!"

Averin felt awkward "Err... well pleased to meet you your highness"

"I am no Highness; you can officially call me Goreth as I do find you to be a good chance of being our new guardian!"

Averin smiled up at him, noticing how ripped and muscled he was, covered only in a loincloth to display his incredible form.

Goreth leaned down and sniffed great gulps of air at Averin which jostled his hair,

He whispered as if only to Averin "You smell like my daughter"

Averin blushed but was likewise shocked. The king laughed even harder this time. He stepped forward and wrapped an arm around Averin and they proceeded down the plain to where Felics' den was.

The crowd dispersed and they were alone. Felic and Bodemair were still far behind. The king mumbled at Averin "You know what? I think you fancy my daughter!"

"No sir!"

"Is she not attractive?"

He was now in a tight fix. The king, once again, laughed. "No need to worry! If any I think you would be best for her!"

Averin was rightly embarrassed by this but could only nod.

They began to speak of other thinks and Averin began to like the king very much. It was late when Goreth bade them farewell and after explaining Averins decisions in his now greater life, Bodemair invited Averin to a gathering later that evening.

The air was cool and fresh. All unusual figures were gathered around a bonfire. When Averin arrived Bodemair waved him to the centre of the crowed to sit with him. He skimmed past the people who stared at him with glowing eyes.

He sat down and the crowed progressed into loud talk. Bodemair pointed to a wolf like figure covered in an oak brown fur besides the honey-like brown over the chest. "This is Selic" he announced.

The person looked at Averin who knew immediately it was a female Balerin. She introduced herself sweetly in a quiet voice saying "Bodemair told me lots about you"

"Has he?" Averin caught on politely.

The night grew ever pleasant for him as the three talked about their lives and loves. It was not till slightly later that the crowed grew quiet when a hulking grey Balerin stood before Averin. He gulped but stood and greeted him. The Balerin growled and before Averin could notice, a fist made contact with his right shoulder. A loud pop filled his ears as he hurtled into the crowed behind him.

He opened his eyes to find Bodemair hanging over him "Averin! You must fight! No one can help you" he disappeared from his vision and the grey figure re-appeared.

Averin was confused; Fight? He didn't want to. He winced as he sat upright, his shoulder might be dislocated and the thudding footsteps grew louder.

The grey Balerin said in a growl "You humans have no right to be here amongst us, destructive filth!"

Averin cried in a burst of panic when he lurched forward. Rolling out of the way and stood, his right arm limp. He was fast enough to catch the enemy off guard and with a battle cry, lurched up from behind him and clambered upon his back.

It all went wrong when the Balerin gave a mighty shake and he toppled to the floor only to have a massive paw club him on the side of the head.

All went black except for the voices of Bodemair shouting orders. His enemy announced vaguely "Humans are weak, why should he be our guardian if his entire race is destruction?"