Early Works - Orion X
I've arranged a conference with the press at 4." "good. i will be there." "i have to work on my speech." mrs cutterhawk was in the conference centre and it was 3.59.
Charlie And Veronica (Part 2)
We left the den and went to a conference room to go watch these 2 guys ramble for a little while. they were hilarious. maybe it was just the wine they were drinking and exhaustion from the con or maybe it was just straight up comedy.
No Idea
It was clear i wasn't giving satisfactory answers, and it was also clear they didn't like having a dragon in the middle of equestria, because after a while they got into a huddle and started conferring.
The Zootopian Experiment. Chapter 2
They took me to a small conference room, where they had me sit done. where the rabbit asked me, "will you help? at the end we just want to take you home, we need to know where texas and minnesota are at."
genetic children log 26- The rescue begins.
._ _he looked like he was going to a business conference, not a military camp.
A Furry Love Story - The Burning Spotlight
While being interviewed on tv, attending political conferences, and speaking for others, i had almost no time consider my wants and my needs. i had no sense of self. i couldn't figure out who i was, at least not until i met her.
Genetic Children-Log 26- The Rescue begins
._ _he looked like he was going to a business conference, not a military camp.
The Zooopian Experiment. Chapter 4
So as i was taking newbie into a conference room, i asked him, "newbie, what is wrong? i can tell that you seem depressed." newbie answered back with a little bit of sadness, "there is nothing wrong, please just leave me alone."
1. My Memories (Prologue)
If successful, i may have a way to return to the past and save my beloved tasha; if not, the only hope that has sustained me for the last 8 years will be gone forever... 5 days later, aboard tcs lexington, 0800, sept. 9, 2148, in conference
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #2 - Shaking It Up
Stefan calico (tabby cat) is expected to return from his canadian vacation later in the week, with a press conference scheduled for thursday morning for a brief statement about the mayors' future. \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* _wednesday september 14th_
Swat Kats Hollow Arc Chapter 2
"my word is final so go clean out your desk and i will call the press conference." feral said as he turning and heading towards the doors that lead into the building. "oh and should you say anything about my sons identity you will regret it."
Weapon – Petals unfurled
"organise a press conference in two hours please gentlemen, all will be made clear then, it is to be a presidential address style affair." i glared at them appropriately, they got the inference.