The Zooopian Experiment. Chapter 4

Story by Vikingfan on SoFurry

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#5 of Zootopian Experiment

The Zootopian Experiment Chapter 4

(Judy Hopps)

As I enter into the precinct, I see Clawhauser talking with Nick. When I got closer, Clawhauser said, "Nick, Judy I almost forgot, the chief wants to see you two." As nick said, "great let me guess, he wants to tell us, that we are now nannies, instead of just babysitters." When walking to chief Bogo's office I said, "come on, the humans aren't that bad." Nick answered, "Just didn't expect my first week on the force, babysitting some mutated monkeys." When we got, to chief Bogo's office, he looked at us and said, "after reading officer Hopps, last report it seems you have done your job. You figured out where their from, and what species they are. I believe it's safe to say this case is done." I was trying to hide my surprise and sadness, my report made clear that though, we know their specie's, and cities where their from but not much else.

Nick, seeing how I took the news answered, "Chief, I don't know what the report says, but those cities don't exist, and heck we don't know why they're here. But heck if you want to call this investigation over, so be it. I am certain that ZNN, would love to know we lift a case half over." Now, I know Nick has gotten the chief mad on many occasions, but this got the cake. Chief Bogo seemed like he was about to explode, but said trying hard to hide his anger, "Wilde, if you want to continue on this investigation you may, but you have to give me the best report I have ever seen. Also you write it not officer Hopps. If I am not impressed with the best report ever made, I will personally make sure you will be on, parking duty in Tundra for the rest of your short miserable career, also before I forget ZNN will not get wind of this, or else.

As we got into the car I said, "thank you Nick, I know you would prefer not to do this case." Nick answered with his normal sly self, "I know how much you care to complete all your cases. Besides, a chance to make chief buffalo butt mad is worth it." As Nick was driving I said, " funny, in my first case I was risking my career. In your first week, you are risking your career." Nick answered, "must be something we have in common, the ability to risk our careers when it begins."

When we finally got to the hospital, we met doctor Lango in her office. Lango looking at her computer looked up, at us and said, " I have some bad news, they said, that they came here, from a chair with a lot of wires. Even if we can cure them, I don't think we can get them back to their cities." I said, "maybe, it would be a good idea for me to talk to them again?" Doctor Lango answered, "I don't know if you would get any more information. But they seem to be taking this information quite hard."

As me and Nick walked into the human's room. You could tell immediately tell something was wrong, at least more than usual. The room seemed dark, with one of the humans in the corner of the room, and the other one in the bed sleeping. Looking at Nick, I suggest that I talk to Sergeant Newbie. So as I was taking Newbie into a conference room, I asked him, "Newbie, what is wrong? I can tell that you seem depressed." Newbie answered back with a little bit of sadness, "There is nothing wrong, please just leave me alone." I answered back with sympathy in my voice, "I understand what you are going through, please let me help." Newbie seemed now little angry when he stated, "How could you understand what is happening? I was raised in the military, my dad in the Army, my mom in the Navy, even my sister in the Marines. I never thought the military would just do experiments on people. To add more insult to injury, I am turning into a beast, think about like this, where I come from, animals are not sentient. Finally I failed Airman Gillesbie, I ended his career when I chose him for this, I should of chose an older airman. Again, how do you know what I feel like?" I answered back again with sympathy in my voice, "you're right I don't know how any of that feels. But that doesn't mean you should give up, you should fight this, and we will help you."

After what was about two hours, I walked him back to his room. Their I saw Nick talking to Gillesbie. Quickly though Gillesbe, said his goodbye and thanks to Nick. Nick and I, left them in their room and decided to talk at the break room at the hospital.

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