Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act IV, Part 9

Razed the entire coastline of lunis, turned it into a fuckin' desert.

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The Silent Rain 4 - One Who Does Not Exist

The rain began to return as if signalling their new dire prospects of reaching this dreaded monster's lair towards the northern coastline.

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Zootopia: First Salvo 15

You're 15 miles off our coastline and our own naval guns have a 30 mile range. that puts most of tundra-town and sahara square within the landing zone of some big explosives."

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Tania's Boundless Appetite

There was an old trick her kind used, a way to eat the seagulls that lived next to the coastline. she had never used it before, not having to hunt (but the idea of eating a seagull made her stomach rumble).

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Grey (English version)

A road followed the shape of the coastline just beyond the farm, but during the night there was very little traffic. grey saw two cars, both of which sped past without slowing down.

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Crystalline Ascension: Illustrated Story for ga576611

Claws, themselves now the size of mountains, smashed to either side of the island, burying themselves deep into the surf along the coastlines to grasp at the island's foundation.

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Thomas Cartoon Series Double-Length Episode #2: The Pirate Adventure (ALT Cut No. 1) Part 1

Mila: let me see if i've got this right, we're sailing our ship through dangerous waters onto a treacherous coastline. thomas: and...?

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"imagine that, a tunnel that no one ever knew that leads from the ruins of knossos towards the coastline," wessy said softly. "shouldn't we head back to camp?" fraser asked. "we can't.

Thomas Cartoon Series Double-Length Episode #2: The Pirate Adventure (ALT Cut No. 2) Part 2

Tam-tam: we checked the entire coastline, twice! leeko: and what's worse is that the entire coastline we're on is an island. a very small island... toby: let me see if i have this right...

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Thomas Cartoon Series Double-Length Episode #2: The Pirate Adventure (ALT Cut No. 2) Part 1

Mila: let me see if i've got this right, we're sailing our ship through dangerous waters onto a treacherous coastline. thomas: and...? mila: to hike into a cave with a deadly monster in it, just to get a treasure which rourkie might also be hunting?

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After a few minutes, it crumbles away, and re-forms with another scene, a long coastline. some odd structures are almost clambering upwards out of the ocean. odd looking creatures scramble up them, some diving into the water.

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Black Blood Chapter 14

After their meal, todd and sera continued walking along the coastline of the peninsula for another thirty minutes. by now the sun had set and the sky was gradually starting to darken. sera pointed to a bench situated near the beach.

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